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satellite texture is not precise on terrain

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Hello Arma 3 Community, 


i have a problem. My Satellite Texture is not precise on my terrain. partially the water of the satellites Textureis to be seen in the edges (on the beach) as a blue colour there here the terrain afterthe satellites Texture goes. How I can solvethe problem. Sorry for my English. 


Thank you guys!

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If I am understanding you correctly, I would just basically add more beach texture where required. 

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I'm guessing you have tried to line it up yourself. You can never get it 100% that way, use Global Mapper or QGIS to do it it instead. Follow these guides for using real world data https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain#real_world_data


Even doing all that, you still have to edit the coastline yourself in Buldozer / L3DT

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There´s another way to solve this problem. Thats how I´m doing it.

I´m using L3DT to create/alter my terrain files. Once the terrain is edited I´m using the L3DT texture generating options to create

a placeholder satmap. That one fits exactly on the mesh. Once exported you´ve got a basefile where you can create your satmap from.

Thats of course a way just to create a fictional terrain. If you want to recreate a real existing terrain, so Globalmapper will be your first choice. But its complicated to use

but the result will fit your expectations. 

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