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ML2r38E.jpg voUTRmw.jpg


I'm in a process of converting my "Podolsk city, district #4 (in Russian: Подольск, микрорайон 4)" template into terrain format. And making new models for some of the huge buildings which were previously made out of many separate objects. Never done 3D modeling or Arma terrain building before, so the process will take a lot of time.

So far I've made a first version of one of the houses and also a model of an authentic fence:

kwJPVX6.jpg Xnuai7J.jpg p6P5IuR.jpg 4kIocjw.jpg 5gd9CqV.jpg EoTUjIX.jpg

Before the release I plan to make 3 more houses and school. After that I want to try make them enterable.

I'm also continuing to polish object placement, a lot of them were added to the scene after the template's release. It's nice to live in an area you're modeling lol.

Current project version: 81 (private)
Link to the template for EDEN editor, version 65: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/205089-template-big-podolsk-city-district-4

Older screenshots:



UJZ2uL6.jpg YBIAmqo.jpg Fuxc0yf.jpg IZGorjO.jpg R1XO7aw.jpg I6vi2AF.jpg BazyTHD.jpg E1JO2Is.jpg lF6aOOM.jpg OvNVJIx.jpg RvFWQwH.jpg MNyh8bR.jpg beeEeZl.jpg q4O2ptb.jpg 7IAM9W6.jpg jOCcOP7.jpg pkCoqLy.jpg 6XwujjY.jpg bDFWgmi.jpg oFLNBPO.jpg SHDXkzV.jpg dSug81m.jpg zXHTrZr.jpg AOFd3DJ.jpg

yRg63bw.jpg ZRkS0TJ.jpg ACWUSZ8.jpg 4UcxeyY.jpg Df5en0v.jpg JpxUpxx.jpg 8lquS4t.jpg gBCWfKv.jpg SVuo7Xi.jpg

Comparison with real life (olso old shots):


0SvfORq.jpg N9FCJbp.jpg l7ABcG1.jpg


Short video:


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The Templates amazing, so if your converting it into a terrain. will you add other districts/cities?

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Dummkopf, thank you! I have plans on adding district 3 and surrounding area (marked red):


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1 minute ago, Apollyanna said:

Dummkopf, thank you! I have plans on adding district 3 and surrounding area (marked red):


It's the hunger games :P

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