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Сlosed access to new items after purchases Argo Supporter's Pack.

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Today I bought Argo supporter's pack, but new items with last halloween update are unavalible )=



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You need to buy them on the Steam marketplace separately :(

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  On 10/31/2017 at 2:29 AM, EricR said:

You need to buy them on the Steam marketplace separately :(

So it's look as interface bug, because you can buy pack by a category button (with steam icon), than will have redirected to Argo Supporter's Pack. It's not scary, but will be confused new players.

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I already bought Argo Supporter's Pack on Steam and also bought those 3 guns but I couldn't find them in my Inventory on Steam23140407_10213412291036007_82653639_n.pn23191962_10213412319236712_609958891_o.p 

It seem to already be activated but I still can't use them

As you can see. What should I do?


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  On 11/2/2017 at 5:42 AM, Born2BGod said:

I already bought Argo Supporter's Pack on Steam and also bought those 3 guns but I couldn't find them in my Inventory on Steam

It seem to already be activated but I still can't use them

As you can see. What should I do?



I have some bad news for You - Argo is not a pay to win game in any regard ;) That means You have to be able to use standard EMR to be able to use the pumpkin pie one. Try spending some skill points to open the DMR 2 tier and see the pumpkin pie EMR opened. The same goes for AKs and SPAR, they need You to have the tiers in skill tree opened to be used.


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  On 11/2/2017 at 7:50 AM, pettka said:


I have some bad news for You - Argo is not a pay to win game in any regard ;) That means You have to be able to use standard EMR to be able to use the pumpkin pie one. Try spending some skill points to open the DMR 2 tier and see the pumpkin pie EMR opened. The same goes for AKs and SPAR, they need You to have the tiers in skill tree opened to be used.


It's not a bad news for me dude and  I'm not a P2W player. The reason I paid for the pack for support them and also I like the skins. 
My point was "How to use them not Why I can't use" and the other issue is They aren't in my inventory on Steam.
I also did the testing to find out and yes I got the skin from unlocking the skills.


Thanks for your advices and Oh I've just played only 1-2 days. I'm still a nooby dude :) 

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  On 10/31/2017 at 2:29 AM, EricR said:

You need to buy them on the Steam marketplace separately :(

The ITEMS, like the new weapon models (skins) must be bought separately from the Steam Marketplace.

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  On 11/2/2017 at 8:05 AM, Born2BGod said:

I also did the testing to find out and yes I got the skin from unlocking the skills. Sorry, I missed that part.


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  On 11/2/2017 at 8:19 AM, EricR said:


NP :) 
Also I can use the Orca's skill in Editing mode as DEV said in the pack's details. 
Nice for Fly On Fire !! ♥♥

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  On 11/2/2017 at 8:05 AM, Born2BGod said:

It's not a bad news for me dude and  I'm not a P2W player. The reason I paid for the pack for support them and also I like the skins. 
My point was "How to use them not Why I can't use" and the other issue is They aren't in my inventory on Steam.
I also did the testing to find out and yes I got the skin from unlocking the skills.

Thanks for your advices and Oh I've just played only 1-2 days. I'm still a nooby dude :) 

Glad to hear it works as it should :drinking2:

And sorry for the Pay to WIn part, it was not aimed directly at You, rather explaining why we chose this road. To dig a bit deeper, if we didn't do that, it would even allow some strange loadouts like with EMR and full grenades and vests. And we don't think that's anything for Argo. I'm glad You enjoy the game, have fun playing :)

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  On 11/2/2017 at 9:14 AM, pettka said:

Glad to hear it works as it should :drinking2:

And sorry for the Pay to WIn part, it was not aimed directly at You, rather explaining why we chose this road. To dig a bit deeper, if we didn't do that, it would even allow some strange loadouts like with EMR and full grenades and vests. And we don't think that's anything for Argo. I'm glad You enjoy the game, have fun playing :)

NP :) I understood that. Many ppl pay to win because they so they have to keep paying for the good items. I already knew that The skins doesn't have any affect to gun's states.
They are some ppl who want to Pay to Enjoy the game to keep the game they like+love.

This is my mail to support if you see the text in Highlight

and as I said to you  "No problem" and sorry about my bad English :(
I think you can understand what I mean. 

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Why do not I have an item in Steam inventory?

Proč nemám položku ve Steam inventáři?

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  On 11/6/2017 at 12:29 AM, salem said:

Why do not I have an item in Steam inventory?

Proč nemám položku ve Steam inventáři?

If there are no halloween items in your inventory after restarting Steam, you should report to Steam support center.

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