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Justin Bottenbruch

Only make the UAV gunner Slot available

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Following problem, I want to set a UAV that is flying arround a Location for Units on the Ground to use it as an Eye in the Sky. But I want them to only be able to Controll the Gunner/Camera so that they don't start messing arround with it.

I allready searched for a solution but didn't find one, it would be nice if someone has a way to accomplish this.


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You could try something like that:

  _x spawn {
    _plyr = _this;
    while {true} do {
      waitUntil {sleep 0.5; UAVControl UAV1 isEqualTo [_plyr,"DRIVER"]};
      _plyr action ["SwitchToUAVGunner", getConnectedUAV _plyr]
} forEach (playableUnits + switchableUnits);

where UAV1 is your uav

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To lock driver seat:

UAV1 lockDriver true;

To lock gunner seat:

UAV1 lockTurret [[0],true];

This prevents you from connecting to these positions.

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