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Hello everyone, I started editing and scripting on Arma since March / April. After some creations of missions, I felt the need to build a framework to regain my developer habits. So far we had taken over the framework f3 that we had adapted. For the time being, we are reviewing the whole system.


I would like to solicit you because I want to take a good habit and do a good job and can be, in a future that I hope close, make the community benefit from a flexible framework, powerful, easy to use even for beginners.


We also have a rather nice reference project to play. Currently in French but we will translate it later. This implementation creates a battle zone where 300 units compete in real time. However, if you do not have a powerful machine, I advise you to go through a server. This should please you.


Just before you provide the links, I warn you that the code is under development and that it still takes time to make it all mature.

So I ask the community to follow the development, in order to provide advice. I also ask you to kindly test the reference mission.

Of course, if you are interested by the subject ;-)


Framework implementation




https://github.com/RedBelette/TGV_MissionFramework_Template/wiki (update required)


Reference implementation

https://github.com/RedBelette/RED_co9_op_anger_of_the_west.Kunduz (Youtube video = Milsim Live from beta5)


Another reference implementation

https://github.com/RedBelette/RED_co9_virgin_territory.kobbvatn (Youtube video = Cutscene)


Client / Server Timer Demo



PS: No license, made what you want about the code, it's gift ;-)


Bonus: An interteam was made with 45 players on the Kunduz map. More than 400 units were created from the mission. This proves me that the TGV framework is rather stable;) Here is a video summary made by the team 126RIM.



This project is canceled and will no longer be updated.
In fact, it is completely reworked in an addon named "Red Framework". Much more convenient for updates.

A Beta version is available here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1226877632

A technical demo here : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1230760053


We need a lot of Beta Tester. Are you interested ?






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Ok, to start the game, you have to do it since the briefing, there is an admin menu (in French).

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The content has been updated with the latest advances:

- We played a beta version of our mission "anger of the west" 300 units in the combat zone on the beautiful map Kunduz.

- A small example on client / server communication. The client can start / stop / reset a timer, and the server communicates to the clients the value of the counter. Basic.

- A mission being finalized, "Virgin Territory". 150 units on the playground with a nice intro video.



- The wiki has been created but still needs to be updated


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This project is canceled and will no longer be updated.
In fact, it is completely reworked in an addon named "Red Framework". Much more convenient for updates.

An alpha version is available: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1226877632


Bonus: An interteam was made with 45 players on the Kunduz map. More than 400 units were created from the mission. This proves me that the TGV framework is rather stable;) Here is a video summary made by the team 126RIM.


Edited by RedBelette
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