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is there a way to quickly add objects with same prefix to an array?

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just an example, i have 5 game logics: obj_1, obj_2, obj_3, obj_4, obj_5

and i have an array named OBJ_ARY = [];


now how do i quickly add all varnames starting with obj to this array? if it's not many, it can be done manually. but when there are dozens of objects to add, it's really tedious to type them all.


Any method i can perform a "search & add" operation?

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Never mind, my code was working after all. i made a mistake by writing {entities "logics"}, which should be "logic".

patrol_logics = [];
outpost_logics = [];
tower_logics = [];
_alllogs = entities "Logic";
          if ((str _x) find "patrollog_" == 0) then
			patrol_logics pushBackUnique _x;
       } forEach _alllogs;  
          if ((str _x) find "outpostlog_" == 0) then
			outpost_logics pushBackUnique _x;
       } forEach _alllogs;  
          if ((str _x) find "towerlog_" == 0) then
			tower_logics pushBackUnique _x;
       } forEach _alllogs;  

patrol_logics;// = [patrollog_1,patrollog_2,patrollog_3,patrollog_4,patrollog_5,patrollog_6];
outpost_logics;// = [outpostlog_1,outpostlog_2,outpostlog_3,outpostlog_4];
tower_logics;// = [towerlog_1];


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Yes. Yo can use also select (alternative syntax 3). And, anyway, for optimization, avoid useless characters like termination  l o g _  , (not discriminative). The shorter, the better.

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As @pierremgi said, the select command is a worthy alternative.

It can be both faster and easier to read.


Could be as simple as that:

_logics = entities "Logic";
patrol_logics = _logics select {str _x find "patrol_" >= 0};
outpost_logics = _logics select {str _x find "outpost_" >= 0};
tower_logics = _logics select {str _x find "tower_" >= 0};



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I had on mind:

_logics = entities "logic";

patrol_logics = _logics select {(str _x) select [0,3] == "pat"};

outpost_logics = _logics select {(str _x) select [0,3] == "out"};

tower_logics = _logics select {(str _x) select [0,3] == "tow"};


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