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Radio Tower

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So i was wondering does Radio Tower always spawn somewhere in the map or doesnt it ?

Only once in plenty of runs i was able to find Radio , currently im settling in on 3rd island with a tent and did fair share of walking trough forests but havent found it yet , i already found 3 helicopter crash sites and abandoned shack in the woods on current map 

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Hello atchodas,

Secret locations

Secret locations vary. You have already seen a lot of them on screenshots (radio tower or KV2 tank for example). On each island, one random secret location spawns in the forest (about 10 cases). It has a small icon as the forest on the minimap. To find a secret location, you need to know it never borders with any location, road or edge of the map. It is always surrounded by lakes or forest tiles.


A secret locations guide has been posted on the blog, please feel free to check it out. :)

>>Locations Guide

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According to that post , One random secret location per map , im wondering what counts as secret location :  Radio Tower and abandoned Tank was already mentioned so we have these  and then there is Abandoned Shack with a car i guess this is also secret location ? Then you can find destroyed camp with few cars and destroyed tents , i guess thats another secret location .

anyway this is kinda sad because you cant compare those 3 to radio tower which is way more useful and this means you might never find radio on a playtrough , maybe a 4th island that is coming in next update could be bigger and have all these locations spawn in it . 

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So you can only find 1 secret location per Island. A total of 3 secret locations can be found out of 10 secret locations in the whole run.

Is it possible to spawn a secret location twice in the whole run? Just curious.



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I recently found Radio Tower again , but it was completely empty , no radio and no supplies in barn , this also happens sometimes with abandoned shack secret location it has no loot , considering how these locations are so rare to spawn and you might never even find them in your run , could this be fixed so that atleast radio is always there 

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