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Deleting dead bodies

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Ok I got my script deleting the dead bodies finally. Big catch is you need to know their names or stuff them into an array which is what I did. I will eventually sink the dead bodies and then delete but for now the dudes just disappear after death.

Now when I run my script I get an error. Error zero divisor. How can i get rid of this error? It always happens on the second kill. Can anyone point out where I am going wrong?

Edit: The bold section is the line i get the error on.

?(!local Server): Exit

unitslist = [u1,u2,u3,u4]

_d=(count unitslist)


_noarray= count unitslist

? _noarray==0 :goto "end"

_unit = unitslist select _x

?(!alive _unit) : goto "deleteunit"


? _x == _d : _x = 0

goto "searchloop"


unitslist = (unitslist-[_unit])

deletevehicle _unit


goto "searchloop"


hint "ending"


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Yes that probably was your only problem. Well actually no... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#searchloop




goto "searchloop"<span id='postcolor'>

You need a ~0.01 in there if possible.

EDIT: (If you have 1.85+)

I have just dealt with the problem of deleting dead men so I can suggest you use addEventHandler of type "killed" on every soldier. Make it call a script where you remove the handler and delete the soldier. I believe that is much less CPU intensive.

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I tried the eventhandlers, but i haven't got a handle on them yet smile.gif

I tried replacing

? _x == _d : _x = 0


? _x == _d : _d=(count unitslist)-1

Is that what you ment? That just gets me to the error quicker.

I added the ~.01 but didn't make a difference.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(!local Server): Exit

unitslist = [u1,u2,u3,u4]

_d=(count unitslist)-1




_noarray= count unitslist

? _noarray==0 :goto "end"

_unit = unitslist select _x

?(!alive _unit) : goto "deleteunit"


? _x == _d : _x = 0

goto "searchloop"


unitslist = (unitslist-[_unit])

deletevehicle _unit


goto "searchloop"


hint "ending"

exit <span id='postcolor'>

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Ok I tried that and now I am getting the error less frequent but I still get it.


Edit: I am getting the error on the 3rd kill now oppose to the second kill before.

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How is it In this case ?


unitList=[]; ;unit added in game



_unitCnt=count unitList;


?(_unitCnt==0):goto "done";


_unit=unitList select _unitIndex;

?((getDammage _unit)!=1):_unitIndex=_unitIndex+1;goto "nextUnit";


deleteVehicle _unit;




?(_unitIndex<_unitCnt):goto "removeUnitLoop";



goto "start"

It`s not remove about 10 or 20 percent of dead bodies . (Vehicles are removed unexceptionally )

How should I change this ?


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