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Question related to getPOS

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Is there a getPos command that will retrieve the rotation of an object?  It looks to me that all the getPOS arrays only get horizontal coords and vertical heights without regard to the rotation that the object is sitting on.


I'm thinking that if I snap (an ammo crate) to an angled surface that I should be able to retrieve those rotations while the mission is running (and set them back).  getDir will give me the compass.  Will one of the getEden commands retrieve angles (rotations)?  Guess I need a getRot command...




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Ok, thats why didn't see it. Totally stuck on the "g" command list. I'll mess around with it. I want it for use with inidbi2, so hopefully I'll just shuffle some commands around. I've just keep running into an issue where after ini writes the position back the objects look silly. I've been ignoring it for awhile, but feel like correcting it now...


Thank you

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2 hours ago, scheintot2 said:

Is this what you guys mean?


Not exactly. Those commands only get and set the position of objects/units relative to a flat plane and the relative elevation.


If you look in the attributes of an object in the eden editor you will see there are three additional position boxes that are labeled "rotation". These allow you to also set the object to the surface. Think: "side of a hill".


You can snap to that surface in the editor, but if you place the same item in the same spot with setPos, the item will be in the correct spot, but be sitting perfectly level.


Pierremgi's commands do the job, I'm just not sure how easy it's gonna be to get the rotations to begin with. Haven't dove into it yet.



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You can place the object you want to rotate on a seperate scenario and then get the vectorDirAndUp with this:

_myVectorDirAndUp = [vectorDir cursorObject, vectorUp cursorObject];

And use this array on your desired object:

_obj setVectorDirAndUp _myVectorDirAndUp;


The BIS_fnc_getPitchBank and BIS_fnc_setPitchBank commands are easier to understand since you dont have to work with vectors.

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