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north and south on amiga.. of course we in europe knows about that war wink.gif

and wouldn't have so much agianst playing a game of it in FPS.. but not with the ofp engine..

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GranQ @ Nov. 22 2002,18:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">north and south on amiga.. of course we in europe knows about that war wink.gif

and wouldn't have so much agianst playing a game of it in FPS.. but not with the ofp engine..<span id='postcolor'>

north and south on amiga was a very good game , i played it more then i play OFP  biggrin.gif

but i havent heard of any us civil war, what were they about and why were they made?

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lol so far as i know it was on US ground and they were fighting the earlyer people that lived on the what they call now the US smile.gif

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nope smile.gif

The north wanted to forbid slavery but the south didnt want that so they separeted and then war began.. and in 1846 the north won smile.gif


Ps thats what I know from history lessons from last year..

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well north and south was about not only to erradicate slavery but mostly for economical reasons honestly it didn't change much of the way pple were living in the states segregation was still there until the late sixties in the south what i think is that a lot of pple lost their lives in this conflict and that was a pure waste.

To come back to the game the OFP engine would probably not support it but it would be nice to play it in ofp to have the immersion of the battles the way they were fought at these troubled times but it would need alot of scripting a true ant work

when you're black you have to know these things

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Go sue your history teacher. 1846 was the Mexican War when Texas seceded from Mexico.

The US War Between the States started in April 1861 and ended around May/June 1865. Some say the war ended when Gen. Lee surrendered to Grant on April 9, 1865 but that's not true. Thousands of Confederate forces had not surrendered and were in the field.

The war was not about slavery per-se although it was an issue. The Southern States were fed up with the government in Washington, DC,(high taxes...etc) and decided to form their own sovereign independent nation. The State of South Carolina seceded from the United States in December 1860, and other states soon joined. United States President Abe Lincoln, in response to this "rebellion," re-enforced Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. South Carolina said that Fort Sumter was theirs and not the United States government's because they had seceded and all property within the contiguous boundaries of South Carolina was the state's. Lincoln was determined to keep Fort Sumter a US fort. To make a long story short, South Carolina gave the US troops at Fort Sumter a short time to leave or face an artillery attack. The US troops refused to leave, and Confederate troops fired on Sumter and captured it. In response, Lincoln called up troops to invade the South and put down the rebellion. The rest is history.

The South is blamed for starting the war but in reality, one can argue that Lincoln started it by occupying a fort within the boundaries of South Carolina and provoking us to war.

I may consider making a MOD on this to relive the glory of primitive weapons and bayonet charges. Might even use this to texture the units: http://www.rootsweb.com/~laudc/uniforms.htm

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