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Hacking Symptoms

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I am seeing a hack that does the following:


A guy on my team (I saw him running) but was not listed on my team.  I and on other guy was alive, but this third guy was not displayed.


On raid, he ran outside the zone without dying (on defense).


When he killed enemy players his name did not display.  It just showed the gun image and the person's name.


Then, in the matter of about 2 seconds, he teleported to every single player (both teams) and fired at least once before disconnecting.  That had to be scripted to occur so quickly.  And probably had some aiming aid to hit every one of us so quickly?


Didn't get a recording or name... sorry.  

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I saw this bug a lot of times. It's not a cheat don't worry. You just had a issue to sync yourself with him.

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1 hour ago, Seddrik said:

Teleporting to every player is a bug?


Ho f*ck I didn't noticed this XD

23 hours ago, Seddrik said:


Then, in the matter of about 2 seconds, he teleported to every single player (both teams) and fired at least once before disconnecting.  That had to be scripted to occur so quickly.  And probably had some aiming aid to hit every one of us so quickly?



heu.... Yeah this one is very fishy ^^

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