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[Arma 3] Export problem for Terrain builder from Eden Editor

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Hello, my name is sezon, I would like to point out a problem when I try to export my project to missions for ground builder. Effectively when importing the txt file with the positions of the buildings, one can see that the objects are all in the air with respect to the card. I enclose below screenshots of the project under Eden Editor and under Terrain Builder. Thank you very much.


In Eden Editor





In Terrain Builder




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You have to import in TB as file>import>objects then tick "advanced", try picking "absolute". And if that don't work, try picking Relative.


Also just so you know, TB doesn't import rotation correct from Eden or X-cam, So if you rotate a object upside, it won't import like that! It only imports yew, not pitch or roll

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10 minutes ago, Sezon.dev said:


How to do it in case you need roll or other?


Using Buldozer in Terrian Builder is the only way

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But xcam does it well (export with these parameters) why we could not adapt it to eden editor? Use buldozer this will take a long time ??

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X-cam doesn't export pitch and roll either. Buldozer is easy to use once you learn it, plus you can change the terrain as you go.

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I can tell you that xcam keeps relative values and not just absolute values!

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Nether x-cam or eden, import pitch or roll correct into TB. I think the slope function in x-cam may "sometimes" work, if the model has land contact points. But I don't do modeling so can't be sure.

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Right, pitch and roll dont work with XCam either. But the slope function is depending on the modell itself. After some time you get used to which models work with slope and which dont. (Same as walls or fences that adopt to the terrain-slopes)

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Okay, I think you do not make modding, and so I'll explain. An object has a ground contact from when the object itself to a geometry with a mass. All objects of arma 3 are made with a mass. So all can follow a slope. Xcam handles it very fat to a calculation. I do not understand why the plugin in eden does not integrate it ... So a lot I will do on xcam because it handles the position of the objects exactly as when editing.

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Think what you want, its your time your wasting

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//    X-Cam (Arma 3) Version 1.21
//    Script by Silola
//    silola@freenet.de

private ["_gon","_c","_fn","_name","_string","_data","_pos","_dir","_check","_array","_mdata","_model","_new","_types","_tID","_scale","_pitch","_bank","_input","_i","_action","_se","_ctrlPosC","_ctrlPosD","_database","_d","_dGroup"];

_gon = true;_c = 0;_fn = 1;_string = "";_pos = [];_dir = 0;_check = "";_data = [];_array = [];_mdata = "";_model = "";_new = [];_types = [];_tID = [];_database = [];_d = 0;_dGroup = "";
_scale = "1.000000";_pitch = "0.000000";_bank = "0.000000";_i = 1;_action = true;_input = "";_se = true;_ctrlPosC = [];_ctrlPosD = [];

if(count xCam_Hidden_Objects > 0) then 
	[7] call xCam_fFilterProject;
	if(xCam_Project_Filter > 0) then
		lbclear 4405;xCam_Project_Filter = 0;xCam_Filter_Type = [0,0];xCam_Filter_Pool = [];xCam_Filter_Area = [];
		[0] call xCam_fFilterProject;

_name = xCam_Cur_Obj_Group call xCam_fCutName;

{ctrlshow [_x, false];ctrlenable [_x, false]}foreach [1498,1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,2028,1858,1859,2029];
ctrlshow [2750, true];ctrlenable [2750, true];xCam_Relative_Mode = 0;
{ctrlshow [_x, true];ctrlenable [_x, true]}foreach [1499,1500,1501,1502,1503,1504,1505,1506,2027,1856,1857,2030,2031];{ctrlenable [_x, false]}foreach [1499,1500];
ctrlSetText[2027, " Create terrain builder file ..."];
ctrlSetText[1504, "Press [Ok] to start file export"];
{[_x,0,1] spawn xCam_fShowHideList} foreach [0,1,2,3,4];

_ctrlPosC = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1499));_ctrlPosD = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1500));
[1,_ctrlPosC] call xCam_fUIControl;
sleep 0.2;
{ctrlshow [_x, true];ctrlenable [_x, true]}foreach [1538,1539];

if(count xCam_Active_Projects > 1) then
	[0,_ctrlPosC] call xCam_fUIControl;
	sleep 0.2;
	{ctrlshow [_x, true];ctrlenable [_x, true]}foreach [1530,1531];

xCam_Button_Action = 0;xCam_Preload_Mode = 0;

waituntil{(xCam_Button_Action > 0)};

if(xCam_Button_Action == 1) then
	if(count xCam_Active_Projects > 1) then
		_ctrlPosC = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1499));_ctrlPosD = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1500));
		[3,_ctrlPosC] call xCam_fUIControl;
		_ctrlPosC = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1499));_ctrlPosD = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1500));
		[4,_ctrlPosC] call xCam_fUIControl;
	0 call xCam_fTurboCam;xCam_Button_Action = 0;
	{ctrlshow [_x, false];ctrlenable [_x, false]}foreach [1499,1500,1501,1502,1503,1504,1505,1506,2027,1856,1857,2030,2031];
	if((xCam_Visual_Val select 6) < 0) then {{[_x,1,1] spawn xCam_fShowHideList} foreach [0,1,2,3,4]};
	if(xCam_Preload_Mode == 0) then
		if((xCam_Edit_Values select 14) in ["default",""," "]) then {_input = format["%1_part_%2",_name,_fn]} else {_input = format["%1_part_%2\%3",(xCam_Edit_Values select 14),_fn,_name]};
		_database = [xCam_Cur_Obj_Group];
		if((xCam_Edit_Values select 14) in ["default",""," "]) then {_input = format["%1_part_%2(%3 projects)",_name,_fn,count xCam_Active_Projects]} else {_input = format["%1\%2_part_%3_(%4 projects)",(xCam_Edit_Values select 14),_name,_fn,count xCam_Active_Projects]};
		{_database set[(count _database),format["%1_%2_0",xCam_World,_x]]} foreach xCam_Active_Projects;
	xCam_Button_Action = 0;_string = (ctrlText 1504);
	if(true) then
		if(xCam_Relative_Mode == 1) then {_se = false};
		if(count xCam_Active_Projects > 1) then
			_ctrlPosC = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1499));_ctrlPosD = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1500));
			[3,_ctrlPosC] call xCam_fUIControl;
			_ctrlPosC = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1499));_ctrlPosD = (ctrlPosition ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1500));
			[4,_ctrlPosC] call xCam_fUIControl;
		{ctrlenable [_x, false]}foreach [1502,1503];
		ctrlSetFocus ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1000);
		sleep 0.1;
		while{_d < count _database} do
			_dGroup = (_database select _d);
				if(!(format["%1",(_x getvariable "xCamObjData")] in ["<null>","any"])) then
					if(!(format["%1",(_x getvariable "xCamCreated")] == "2")) then
						if(_c > (xCam_Edit_Values select 21)) then
							_action = true;_i = 1;
							_check = format["%1.txt",_input] call KK_fnc_makeFile;
							if(!(_check == "OK")) then
								while{_action} do
									_check = format["%1(%2).txt",_input,_i] call KK_fnc_makeFile;
									if(!(_check == "OK")) then {_i = _i + 1} else {_action = false};
									if(_i > 100) then {_action = false;_gon = false;[87,1] spawn xCam_fMessageBox;hintc format["Output Error\n===========\nMaybe you have forgotten to copy the 'make_file.dll' into the Arma 3 installation directory."]};
							_c = 0;_fn = _fn + 1;
							[] call KK_fnc_makeFile;
							if(xCam_Preload_Mode == 0) then
								if((xCam_Edit_Values select 14) in ["default",""," "]) then {_input = format["%1_part_%2",_name,_fn]} else {_input = format["%1_part_%2\%3",(xCam_Edit_Values select 14),_fn,_name]};
								_database = [xCam_Cur_Obj_Group];
								if((xCam_Edit_Values select 14) in ["default",""," "]) then {_input = format["%1_part_%2(%3 projects)",_name,_fn,count xCam_Active_Projects]} else {_input = format["%1\%2_part_%3_(%4 projects)",(xCam_Edit_Values select 14),_name,_fn,count xCam_Active_Projects]};
								{_database set[(count _database),format["%1_%2_0",xCam_World,_x]]} foreach xCam_Active_Projects;
						if(_gon) then
							_data = call compile (_x getvariable "xCamObjData");
							if((xCam_Edit_Values select 27) == 0) then
								_mdata = (_x getvariable "xCamModData");
								_model = [_mdata] call xCam_fGetModel;
								_model = [(_x getvariable "xCamModData")] call xCam_fCutModel;
							if(_se) then 
								_new = [((call compile (_data select 0)) select 0) + (xCam_Edit_Values select 11),((call compile (_data select 0)) select 1) + (xCam_Edit_Values select 12),((getposATL _x) select 2)];
								_array = [(typeof _x),_new call KK_fPositionToString,(_data select 1),0];
								_pos = [(_array select 1)] call xCam_fSplitPosition;
								_new = [((call compile (_data select 0)) select 0) + (xCam_Edit_Values select 11),((call compile (_data select 0)) select 1) + (xCam_Edit_Values select 12),((getposASL _x) select 2)];
								_array = [(typeof _x),_new call KK_fPositionToString,(_data select 1),0];
								_pos = [(_array select 1)] call xCam_fSplitPosition;
							if((xCam_Edit_Values select 17) == 0) then
								if(!(format["%1",(_x getvariable "xCamScaleVal")] in ["<null>","any"])) then {_scale = (_x getvariable "xCamScaleVal")} else {_scale = "1"};
								if(!(format["%1",(_x getvariable "xCamPitchVal")] in ["<null>","any"])) then {_pitch = format["%1",((call compile (_x getvariable "xCamPitchVal")) select 0)];_bank = format["%1",((call compile (_x getvariable "xCamPitchVal")) select 1)]} else {_pitch = "0";_bank = "0"};
								_string = format["""%1"";%2;%3;%4;%7;%8;%6;%5",_model,(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),(_array select 2),(_pos select 2),_scale,_pitch,_bank];
								if(!(_model == "")) then
									_string = format["""%1"";%2;%3;%4;%5;",_model,(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),(_pos select 2),(_array select 2)];
							ctrlSetText[1504, str(_array)];ctrlSetText[2027, format[" Export TerrainBuilder file... %1",_foreachindex]];
							formatText ["%1", _string] call KK_fnc_makeFile;
							_c = _c + 1;
			}	foreach (call compile _dGroup);
			_d = _d + 1;
		_check = format["%1.txt",_input] call KK_fnc_makeFile;

		if(!(_check == "OK")) then
			while{_action} do
				_check = format["%1(%2).txt",_input,_i] call KK_fnc_makeFile;
				if(!(_check == "OK")) then {_i = _i + 1} else {_action = false};
				if(_i > 100) then {_action = false;[87,1] spawn xCam_fMessageBox;hintc format["Output Error\n===========\nMaybe you have forgotten to copy the 'make_file.dll' into the Arma 3 installation directory."]};
		[] call KK_fnc_makeFile;
		0 call xCam_fTurboCam;
		sleep 0.1;
		{ctrlenable [_x, true]} foreach [1512,1513,1504,1502,1503,1856,1857];
		{ctrlshow [_x, false];ctrlenable [_x, false]}foreach [1499,1500,1501,1502,1503,1504,1505,1506,2027,1856,1857,2030,2031];
		if((xCam_Visual_Val select 6) < 0) then {{[_x,1,1] spawn xCam_fShowHideList} foreach [0,1,2,3,4]};
		if(_check == "OK") then {[83,1] spawn xCam_fMessageBox};
		[105,1] spawn xCam_fMessageBox;

ctrlSetFocus ((uiNamespace getVariable "xCam_Ctrls") displayCtrl 1000);


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Here is the maker of x-cam saying it don't work for terrain building



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