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#missions command not working on dedicated server

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Evening all,


I am running a dedicated server that i rent from gtxgaming.com - The server normally runs fine but i have noticed that since the last Arma updated the #missions command no longer works.


I am logged in as Admin and in the lobby for one of my custom missions, the whitelist in the server.cfg is empty so there should be no restrictions! - what i want to do is load the Escape from Malden mission by Bohemia - In order to do this i would normally type #missions and this would bring up the standard bohemia created missions selection screen where you can select missions such as the coop and zeus missions for Altis, Tanoa and Stratis etc.


Does anyone know why this is not working? I really want to run Escape from Malden with the guys i play with on the dedicated server instead of hosting on a local machine!


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Maybe the server is not fully loading rather than not responding to #missions command

If this is the case try clearing out all the MpMissions and rebooting the server.

Your rpt file will be worth reading through

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6 hours ago, terox said:

Maybe the server is not fully loading rather than not responding to #missions command

If this is the case try clearing out all the MpMissions and rebooting the server.

Your rpt file will be worth reading through


Thank you sooo much for the advice!!!


completely cleared down the mission cycle part of the server.cfg except for 1 custom mission - i then deleted all the customs missions except the 1 in the cycle from the MP Missions folder on my dedicated server.  #missions working again as normal


funny though - nothing in the rpt file - literally shows me as logging in as admin and no log to do with the #missions command!!

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afaik, when you initially boot up the server it doesnt read the MpMissions listing.

It only does this when the first player connects, it then reads through all description.ext files and any files #included from it and will stop loading if it finds an error

So if the server fails to load after nothing apparently has been done to it, this is the most likely issue because if a mission is uploaded while the server is running, it wont show up as a faulty mission until the server is next rebooted and someone logs into it, often misleading an admin into thinking nothing has changed

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Had the same problem, thanks for the advice, worked for me too. Seems like one of the mission was corrupted or something.

Thanks :)

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