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Proxies not how they appear in o2

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Howdy all. THis is extremely odd, IMHO.

I am using proxy:zsudriver.01 for the pilotview of some of my vehicles. Tha proxy is of a man with his hands about at his legs, holding onto two driving sticks.

In-game, the zsu driver is of that same position too. Meaning when I get in a SHilka, I am sitting down with my hands on driving sticks next to my legs.

However, in MY MODEL when I play it in-game, the man is in the T55driver position laying quite flat and his hands are raised holding a horizontal bar!

Now can someone tell me why my zsudriver proxy is not behaving as a zsuproxy in-game???

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You need to specify which "action" (movement) should be used. This is done in config.cpp file.

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Well I'll be hog-tied and hornswaggled! I had all my vehicles inherit from the BMP, and whaddya know... that was it.

Makes one wonder then, why do we use a specific proxy name in oxygen? Are they all the same in the end, relying on the config file only?

I ask this because many of my proxies I see in Bulldozer are either too high or too low. I place a proxy in the center of my tank, and the man appears much higher or lower in bulldozer. However, it is fine in-game.

Now I wonder if the proxies are only useful for checking how a person fits, and not where he will actually be sitting. Or do I perhaps have something set wrong in O2...

And by the way... I am quite grateful for your help Suma. THANKS!

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you can copy all the OFP p3d files to te data3d folder of buldozer then when you place a proxy you will see the soldier in buldozer

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Nov. 21 2002,05:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you can copy all the OFP p3d files to te data3d folder of buldozer then when you place a proxy you will see the soldier in buldozer<span id='postcolor'>

Hey, the p3d files from OFP? NOT just the unprotected p3ds from the single player demo? Though all of ofps p3d files was crypted? Or can they still be viewed in bulldozer but you cant "open" them in o2?? Im confused


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tanelorn @ Nov. 20 2002,23:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I ask this because many of my proxies I see in Bulldozer are either too high or too low. I place a proxy in the center of my tank, and the man appears much higher or lower in bulldozer. However, it is fine in-game.<span id='postcolor'>

http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=23340 look at Q/A number 10.

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thanks. I saw that thread before #10 was posted, so I never went back. Very useful.

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I've got an even better proxy problem!

The co_pilot of my A-6E has been placed correctly next to the pilot in O2, but in OFP the gunner is sitting around about 2m's behind the pilot, dead centre of the plane, odd!!!

Can't figure out why!


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did you add the proxy also in the other lods where the pilot proxy is?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Nov. 24 2002,21:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">did you add the proxy also in the other lods where the pilot proxy is?<span id='postcolor'>

I had the co-pilot proxy in all LOBs expect GEO., MEMORY, GROUND CONTACT.

Even had it in the PILOT VIEW/GUNNER VIEW GEO.'s also.

I'm stuck on this one at the moment.

Here's some screen captures of the problem.






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the proxy is defined in the config? dunno but maybe it has to be defined in the config

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Nov. 24 2002,21:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">did you add the proxy also in the other lods where the pilot proxy is?<span id='postcolor'>

Yep, where ever the pilot proxy is, so is the copilot.

And every lob view has both proxies.

Here's the CPP file to date;

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgVehicles

{ class All {};

class AllVehicles: All {};

class Air: AllVehicles {};

class Plane: Air {};

class A10: Plane {};

class DrF_A6E_ATG: A10 {scope= 2;

extCameraPosition[]= {0,2.5,-12};

crew= SoldierWPilot;

picture= "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder.paa";

displayName= "A-6E Intruder Bomber";

nameSound= "plane";

fuelCapacity= 15419;

gearRetracting= 1;

gunnerAction = ManActAH1Gunner;

driverAction = ManActAH1Pilot;

hasgunner= 1;

driveriscommander= 1;

gunnerCanSee = CanSeeOptics+CanSeeEye+CanSeeEar+CanSeeCompass;

driverCanSee = CanSeeEye+CanSeeEar+CanSeeCompass;

maxSpeed= 644;


soundEnviron[]= {Objects\noise,db-60,1.0};

insideSoundCoef= 0.8;

irScanRange= 4500;

irTarget= 1;

irScanGround= 1;

laserTarget = 1;

laserScanner= 1;

nightVision= 1;

hasoptics= 1;

gunnerOpticsModel= "optika_heli_gunner";

driverOpticsModel= "optika_empty";

driverOpticsColor[]= {0, 0, 0, 1};

gunnerOpticsColor[]= {0, 0, 0, 1};

opticsZoomMin= 0.02;

opticsZoomMax= 1;

castdrivershadow= 1;

castGunnerShadow = 1;

aileronSensitivity = 0.6;

elevatorSensitivity = 0.6;

armor= 75;

cost= 800000;

model= "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder_ATG.P3D";

weaponSlots = WeaponSlotPrimary + WeaponSlotSecondary + 2 * WeaponSlotBinocular + 4 * WeaponSlotItem;

weapons[]= {Mk_81_28};

magazines[]= {Mk_81_28};

fov= 0.5;

threat[]= {1.0, 1.0, 0.2};


class Animations

{class LtGear



selection="lt gear";

axis="axis gear lt";



class RtGear



selection="rt gear";

axis="axis gear rt";



class NoseGear



selection="nose gear";

axis="axis gear nose";



     class EventHandlers

{gear = "if (_this Select 1) then {(_this Select 0) Animate [""LtGear"", 0]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""RtGear"", 0]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""NoseGear"", 0]} else {(_this Select 0) Animate [""LtGear"", 1]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""RtGear"", 1]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""NoseGear"", 1]}";};

class Reflectors {class Left

{color[]= {0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0};

ambient[]= {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0};

position= "L svetlo";

direction= "konec L svetla";

hitpoint= "L svetlo";

selection= "L svetlo";

size= 0.5;

brightness= 1;};

class Right

{color[]= {0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0};

ambient[]= {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0};

position= "P svetlo";

direction= "konec P svetla";

hitpoint= "P svetlo";

selection= "P svetlo";

size= 0.5;

brightness= 1;};


class IndicatorSpeed {selection= "mph";

axis= "osa_mph";

angle= -45;

min= 0;

max= 650;};

class IndicatorRPM {selection= "rpm";

axis= "osa_rpm";

angle= -20;

min= 0;    

max= 1.2;};

class IndicatorVertSpeed {selection= "vert_speed";

axis= "osa_vert_speed";

angle= -60;

min= -45;

max= 45;};

class IndicatorAltBaro //for HUD

{selection= "nm_alt";

axis= "osa_nm_alt";

angle= -45;

min= 0;

max= 61;};

class IndicatorAltRadar  //for pilots baro alt

{selection= "alt";

axis= "osa_alt";

angle= -360;

min= 0;

max= 304;};

class IndicatorAltRadar2 //for Copilot baro alt

{selection= "alt2";

axis= "osa_alt2";

angle= -360;

min= 0;

max= 304;};


class DrF_A6E_FAC: DrF_A6E_ATG

{displayName= "n/a A-6E Intruder FAC";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder_FAC.P3D";

weapons[]= {};

magazines[]= {};


class DrF_A6E_HB: DrF_A6E_ATG

{displayName= "A-6E Intruder Hvy Bomber";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder_HB.P3D";

weapons[]= {mk_84_5};

magazines[]= {mk_84_5};


class DrF_A6E_R: DrF_A6E_ATG

{displayName= "n/a A-6E Intruder Rocket";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder_r.P3D";

weapons[]= {};

magazines[]= {};


class DrF_A6E_RHB: DrF_A6E_R

{displayName= "n/a A-6E Intruder RHB";

picture = "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder_rhb.paa";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\Intruder_RHB.P3D";

weapons[]= {};

magazines[]= {};



class CfgGroups

{ class DrF_Mod

{name= "DrF_Mod";

class westAir {name= "West/Air";

class DrF_A6E_CAS {name= "A-6E";

class Unit0 {side= 1;

vehicle= "DrF_A6E_ATG";

rank= "Sergeant";

position[]= {0,0,0};};


class DrF_A6E_FAC {name= "A-6E (FAC)";

class Unit0 {side= 1;

vehicle= "DrF_A6E_FAC";

rank= "Sergeant";

position[]= {0,0,0};};


class DrF_A6E_B {name= "A-6E (B)";

class Unit0 {side= 1;

vehicle= "DrF_A6E_b";

rank= "Sergeant";

position[]= {0,0,0};};


class DrF_A6E_R {name= "A-6E (R)";

class Unit0 {side= 1;

vehicle= "DrF_A6E_R";

rank= "Sergeant";

position[]= {0,0,0};};


class DrF_A6E_RHB {name= "A-6E (RHB)";

class Unit0 {side= 1;

vehicle= "DrF_A6E_RHB";

rank= "Sergeant";

position[]= {0,0,0};};





<span id='postcolor'>

Hopefully you can help me!


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I think the problem is cessna copilot defines cargo position. In your config there is no cargo position, rather gunner position. You have to use some other animation for gunner position.

Cessnacopilot is defined as follows in the config:

class ProxyCesnaCoPilot: ProxyCargo {};

You have to use come animation that is derived from ProxyGunner when representing gunner in your model, like:

class ProxyAH1Gunner: ProxyGunner {};


There is also chance your copilot proxy is incorrect. Each proxy must consist of exactly:

3 vertices

1 face

Be sure to select corresponding proxy selection and check status line to see if counts are OK.

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Thanks Suma for that!

Have you had a chance to think about the weapon proxy problem?


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Ok this is start to get on my neves a bit. I've posted a number of times about this, and have even start to send messages directly to people asking for help.

I've yet to get a answer.

Here's the problem.

I have sitting on my PC a fully working model (minus the internal cockpit), it has a full load of Mk81 bombs(which do work nicely), but when the PBO is sent to someone else the weapon proxies are all missing, not the pilot or copilot proxies, just the weapon proxies. I've gone over the CPP and the P3B of the model almost 50 times now and found no reason.

I've checked the every LOB of the model, almost everything I can think of.

Have even copied the base model (minus weapons) into a new version file of the model and get the same problem. And have even tried changing the weapon proxies to another weapon. This has coursed my PC no to see the weapon proxies for the new model. Yet the master still work on my PC 100% of the time.

I got "NO" error messages anywhere for this models, they just load into the editor and mission as normal addons.

If any of you have already downloaded the DrF_Intruder you would have found the weapon is listed in the weapons display, but not weapons are available. This is the master model I've got on my PC, which you can see screen shoot of with weapons loaded and of it doing bombing runs.

I NEED HELP TO FIX THIS PROBLEM !!, before I can the project and all the others I've got waiting to finish


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where are the models of the proxys located?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Dec. 02 2002,08:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">where are the models of the proxys located?<span id='postcolor'>

The proxies are in the same location as the Plane P3D is.


e:\DrF_Intruder\*.P3D (all files are located here)

Files are as follows;



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How can I view the proxys in Bulldozer ?

I tried pboing the data3d.pbo and putting it in the /data3d folder of O2 Viewer but it still doesn´t show up.

Can anyone help me ?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Sharpshooter @ Dec. 05 2002,12:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How can I view the proxys in Bulldozer ?

I tried pboing the data3d.pbo and putting it in the /data3d folder of O2 Viewer but it still doesn´t show up.

Can anyone help me ?<span id='postcolor'>

Put the .P3D files into the data3D directory.

That way you can see the proxy in bulldozer, also put a copy in your models directory ready for PDO'ing.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DragoFire @ Dec. 05 2002,02:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Sharpshooter @ Dec. 05 2002,12:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How can I view the proxys in Bulldozer ?

I tried pboing the data3d.pbo and putting it in the /data3d folder of O2 Viewer but it still doesn´t show up.

Can anyone help me ?<span id='postcolor'>

Put the .P3D files into the data3D directory.

That way you can see the proxy in bulldozer, also put a copy in your models directory ready for PDO'ing.

DragoFire<span id='postcolor'>

I´m sorry if I didn´t express myself correctly. What I´m trying to say is that I depboed my Flashpoint Data3d.pbo and put all the .p3d files in my data3d directory of O2 Viewer. And still the proxys don´t show up. It says like: "Cannot open object data3d\bmpdriver.p3d"

Thanks anyway...

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I don't think O2 or bullbozer likes the newer .P3B files as I get the same problem!


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