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Project: uk forces.

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The site is looking good so far. smile.gif

So is this a site to bring all the various UK based mods and addons together, or a whole new mod in itself?

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Its all new. Its Bibmi doing an updated and extendended version of his SAS, Marines and Paras. With new oxygen soldier models and weapons.

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Yeah...unfortunately we don't have a dedicated vehicle addon maker...All i'm good for (I hope) are soldier unit addons....I would love to see some quality vehicle addons for British units...The team and I would then happily add some armoured infantry, tank crews and RAF units...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bibmi @ Nov. 16 2002,15:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah...unfortunately we don't have a dedicated vehicle addon maker...All i'm good for (I hope) are soldier unit addons....I would love to see some quality vehicle addons for British units...The team and I would then happily add some armoured infantry, tank crews and RAF units...<span id='postcolor'>

You could perhaps modify the G8 Tornado addon (with their permission of coarse) and convert it to a RAF Tornado...maybe in the process converting the MW-1 weapons dispenser on their Tornado (which they erroneously labeled as a JP-233) into a real JP-233 which looks a lot different. Also the point of aim (the aim dot) for the gun/rockets should be lowered a bit so that the Tornado doesn't dive so low when the AI fires the JP-233 (which basically are rockets with no or little velocity). I have a .cpp file that I can give you where I got the AI to use the jp233 on the G8 tornado quite effectively (with the stock G8 Tornado the AI doesn't the JP233). The only problem is that the Tornados dive so low (often they dive down as low as 10 ft over the ground) that they blow themselves up because they get too close to the explosions from the JP233's. Adjusting the aim dot should fix that I think.

A nice RAF Tornado like that would provide excellent airsupport for your British troops, plus the Jp233 in action is a very impressive site when you are on the ground watching it exploding over enemy troops and armor.

Perhaps later on, if you find someone willing to do it, a Jaguar mod could be created. Wasn't someone doing a Super Puma and a Lynx awhile back? I wonder what happened to those projects? sad.gif

At any rate, I hope to see some of your updated British units soon. They are so far the best I've seen overall.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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It would be good to have a Tornado (perhaps with the Brimstone anti-armour missile aswell as the JP 233). It would also be cool if we could find someone to do a reskin of the chinook and the Apache (its not that different after all). I think we may well have to wait unitil the falklands mod is out before we get a lynx (it will also be interesting to see if they include a puma - the argentinians used it during the conflict, and if they are doing it why not do a reskin?).

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That would be great, but i'm not 100% sure that we have anyone with the oxygen related knowhow to finish it off.

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its all finished in o2 except for textures, even a cockpit, i just couldnt find a texturer for it, so i abandoned it

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RAF dont use the gazelle anymore and if i remember rightly the army have retired them or in the process of doing so

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (vade_101 @ Nov. 17 2002,11:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would be good to have a Tornado (perhaps with the Brimstone anti-armour missile aswell as the JP 233). It would also be cool if we could find someone to do a reskin of the chinook and the Apache (its not that different after all). I think we may well have to wait unitil the falklands mod is out before we get a lynx (it will also be interesting to see if they include a puma - the argentinians used it during the conflict, and if they are doing it why not do a reskin?).<span id='postcolor'>

Actually there was a reskinned RAF Chinook. It wasn't the best (the RAF symbol looked a little stretched) but it wasn't bad either. It should be up on one of the addon sites. If not, I can send it to anyone who wants to host a site for British military addons. I'm not sure if it's Resistance compatible though. sad.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nolips71 @ Nov. 17 2002,18:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">RAF dont use the gazelle anymore and if i remember rightly the army have retired them or in the process of doing so<span id='postcolor'>

The French still use them though don't they?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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i saw the AAC flying gazelles only a couple of years ago, and with the WAH-64 not having enough trained pilots to fly them im sure they are still be used

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (vade_101 @ Nov. 17 2002,11:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would be good to have a Tornado (perhaps with the Brimstone anti-armour missile aswell as the JP 233). It would also be cool if we could find someone to do a reskin of the chinook and the Apache (its not that different after all). I think we may well have to wait unitil the falklands mod is out before we get a lynx (it will also be interesting to see if they include a puma - the argentinians used it during the conflict, and if they are doing it why not do a reskin?).<span id='postcolor'>

We are making a Puma... Don't worry! biggrin.gif

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morph will it be released before the full mod is finished?

oh and nolips, the official army website still have the gazelle listed as one of their helicopters

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ Nov. 17 2002,19:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nolips71 @ Nov. 17 2002,18:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">RAF dont use the gazelle anymore and if i remember rightly the army have retired them or in the process of doing so<span id='postcolor'>

The French still use them though don't they?  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD><span id='postcolor'>

yeah , the French ALAT decided that the Gazelle light combat vector was still good enough for service and there are already a really efficient doctrine with those , so they'll be kept in service for sometimes

as far as iknow , the Tiger and Gazelle components of the ALAT will act differently

the gazelle is a versatile reconnaissance , utility and light combat helicopter wich is used in the situations that don't ask for high fire power but for rapidity and versatility (a gazelle can either be mounted with HOT AT Missiles , mistral short range AA missiles , 20mm gun and many board weapons such as 7.62 mg's , while it's not an heavy transport helo , the gazelle can be used to insert light recon units and to transport light charges and to serve as liaison vector , while the tiger is an heavy airborne combat vector used mainly for close support and heavy antitank duties where heavy firepower and good defensive abilities are needed

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The Army Air Corps and the Fleet Air Arm both still use the Gazelle, the RAF don't really have a need for reconaisance helicopters these days as the divsional support tasks (recon, anti-armour operations) are all carried out by the AAC

oh, and if you do a puma can we have it this paint scheme please smile.gif


[larger version]

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I have added some very nice weapons screenshots (courtesy of fatjoe) to the website.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ Nov. 17 2002,19:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">morph will it be released before the full mod is finished?<span id='postcolor'>

Possibly not m8... However I think the Malvinas mod may release theirs before their mod is finished.. I'm not sure.....

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Aha. I've just remembered I have my real login details smile.gif

No more Morph in future for me smile.gif

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The RAF Chinook.... it can be downloaded from Flashpoint CZ and its OK..... somebody did a reskin of the Apaches.... but they were pretty poor to be honest...... it was the same chap who did the Bradley reskinned as a Warrior job.....

But Hurrah for the Project UK Forces and the Falklands Mod teams!!!! Providing British Forces for Flashpoint!

Just one little request to vade_101......... could you just slightly alter you're current Royal Marine and Para's so they work in resistance please???

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Interestingly enough.. the guy who retextured that RAF Chinook (NZXShadows) was with the Falklands Team for quite a while.... Last I heard he joined the US Army..

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Ash] @ Nov. 18 2002,14:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Interestingly enough.. the guy who retextured that RAF Chinook (NZXShadows) was with the Falklands Team for quite a while.... Last I heard he joined the US Army..<span id='postcolor'>

Wow.... the trivia you learn.......

I remembered who did the British Infantry, and Warrior as well... it was some guy named MadDogX...... The SA80 that he did to go with it didn't look right though (It was a reskinned M16/203)

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Yeah maddog pack was very early on (04-02-2002 according to OFPEC) wasn't it. Very dark camoflage, and pretty simple reskins. but nonetheelss a shame it wasn't developed further really. (and his susat is still the one im using smile.gif )

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