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Q about cores how many of them argo use? and how to force it to use all

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4 hours ago, Magar said:

Q about cores how many of them argo use? and how to force it to use all

from steam -- click on the game right mouse -- properties..lauch option---

----------------------put --------------------------------

-cpuCount=4 -high -enableHT -exThreads=8


if you have 4 cores dont change 4

if you have 8 threads dont change 8

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10 minutes ago, Your_Nemesis_IQ2 said:

from steam -- click on the game right mouse -- properties..lauch option---

----------------------put --------------------------------

-cpuCount=4 -high -enableHT -exThreads=8


if you have 4 cores dont change 4

if you have 8 threads dont change 8

-enableht doesn't work with cpucount.

-high is not a startup parameter for Argo/Arma.

-8 is not valid for exthreads. Possible values are 0,1,3,5,7.


In other words, those options would not do anything.


The game supports 32 cores (IIRC), but normally uses only 1-4 at a time. And you can't change that.

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