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How to unload weapon in EDEN?

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I can't seem to figure out how to unload a weapon in the EDEN mission editor. I often use suppressed weapons and replace all magazines with subsonic ammo, however the first magazine is always using a super sonic load by default. This is a bit of an annoyance for the player, but even worse for the AI as their first shots will be super sonic defeating the purpose of trying to be discrete. I must be missing it, but is there a way to change the ammo type for the magazines inserted into the weapon?

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28 minutes ago, Flogger23m said:


Moved to the correct area of the forum.

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14 hours ago, Flogger23m said:

I can't seem to figure out how to unload a weapon in the EDEN mission editor. I often use suppressed weapons and replace all magazines with subsonic ammo, however the first magazine is always using a super sonic load by default. This is a bit of an annoyance for the player, but even worse for the AI as their first shots will be super sonic defeating the purpose of trying to be discrete. I must be missing it, but is there a way to change the ammo type for the magazines inserted into the weapon?


Haven't tried it, but you can try removing the currently loaded magazine on mission start, e.g. you can put this in their initbox (or some other script ran on unit initialization): this removePrimaryWeaponItem (currentMagazine this); 

If you know the classname of the subsonic magazine that's supposed to be loaded, you could follow that up/replace that with: this addWeaponItem [(currentWeapon this), "CLASSNAME_HERE"];


I don't quite remember if adding magazines using addWeaponItem replaces the currently loaded mag and discards the previously loaded mag entirely, or whether it pushes that mag into the inventory. (If latter, you should remove it first).


Kind regards,


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Thanks for the reply. That is a bit cumbersome especially if I have to do it for a number of different weapons per mission. I have an unrelated question, but figured I'd make it in this thread.


In ArmA 1/2 I used to call in artillery support. I do not recall how to do this at all. I even placed artillery in my squad and can't find them under Supports. What should I do to be able to have them drop rounds on a designated area?


Edit: Figured part of it out by assigning it to a single unit. Two other questions:


1) How can I assign artillery support for every member in a squad?

2) I can't seem to have both a mortar and heavier artillery under "Supports" at the same time, yet both are synched. Can a player only be able to call in one type of support at once?

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