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One model, multiple Rvmats

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So i'm making some kind of rock for arma 3.

I want the same model to work for different type of rocks.

I made some hidden selections for the textures, but I also want to have a "hiddenselectiontexture[] = " config parameter like for rvmat.


Is it possible ?


Do I have to use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectMaterial 

Or is there a "hiddenselectionsMateriel[] " ?


Thank you

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There is a SetObjectMaterial (and global variant), which uses the regular hidden selections. That might work.

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You can use 


As long as the selection is in the hiddenSelections[] that will work. Find an all in one config for A3 and search for hiddenSelectionsMaterials to see how BIS have done it. All of this is done through config files so requires no scripting 

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