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Key modifiers, shift, alt etc?

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I feel a bit dumb asking such an elementary question but I'm rather hoping I'm not the only one struggling with this.


The shift, ctrl and alt modifier keys seem to be largely ignored by the game. For example, I'd like to shift ctrl f1 to ctrl f12 for other application, but the game still interprets ctrl f1 as f1 and selects the first unit in my squad.


Is there a way of having the game being able to tell the difference between ctrl f1 and f1?

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Apply locally via initPlayerLocal or other scirpt:


(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler 
		params ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey","_alt"];
		private _handled = false;
		if (_ctrlKey && !_shift && !_alt && _dikCode == DIK_FI) then 
			_handled = true;


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Thanks, John, but that didn't work. Ctrl F1 still bought up the group command menu.

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My bad, forgot to copy this over, lol, put the following above the original:


#define DIK_F1 0x3B


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#define DIK_F1 0x3B
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler
		params ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey"];

		private _handled = false;

		if (_ctrlKey && _dikCode == DIK_FI) then
			_handled = true;


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Correct, see if that works, if it doesn't I'm not too sure why it wouldn't......but I've been out of the scripting game for some months now so....

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That didn't work either. :( Thanks for trying though mate. Appreciated.

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Looks like you guys already have the only way to override default engine behavior  


Returning true in EH code will override default engine handling for keyboard events. 

Is this some sort of bug? 

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