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Flying fixed wings after update - issues

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After the update I jumped into a single player jet mission to test out the changes and I am encountering issues.


For one, I have trouble with how the throttle functions now. From a stationary position I start up the engine and the jet immediately starts  to roll at 20/kmph. The slightest tap on the throttle makes the jet increase the throttle to max untill you brake. When you do brake the jet goes full stop again. This behaviour I also encounter in the sky. It's either full speed or full brake, playing with the speed and keeping it steady at lets say 400/kmph is undoable now.


Second, I am unable to lock on to anything anymore, AG missiles can only be used as HE-dumb fire rockets. Locking on was meh before, but before the update I did a camara zoom to get a target lock, now I can't lock shit anymore. Can a dev enlighten me how I am supposed to fly jets in single player mode now without a pointer guy on the ground? How do I lock AG missiles now?



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If you are using a throttle (not keyboard) try removing the increase/decrease thrust key bindings and just use analogue. I had the same behavior until i removed them. Now my throttle stays at a steady number in any position, and i can increment the throttle by just a few numbers with slight moves. 

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After messing around a bit more flying the Wipeout the throttle is workable, but oh my god it's not an improvement at all. I really hate it now. Before I could be very presize at what speed I flew, I even could do backflip salto's to kill speed just before landing, now with the current throttle mechanic it's just a mess and simply not fun anymore. And I still can't lock a frikkin target with AG missiles and absolutely nowhere and no one telling me how I should do that now solo in single player mode without a pointer guy on the ground. For me this update has killed my single player experience, or at least the fixed wings experience. Just revert it back BI, keep the radar and the new (useless) PiP hud, but scrap the rest.

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