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AI HALO to existing script

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private [ "_dialog", "_backpack", "_backpackcontents" ];

if ( isNil "GRLIB_last_halo_jump" ) then { GRLIB_last_halo_jump = -6000; };

if ( GRLIB_halo_param > 1 && ( GRLIB_last_halo_jump + ( GRLIB_halo_param * 60 ) ) >= time ) exitWith {
	hint format [ localize "STR_HALO_DENIED_COOLDOWN", ceil ( ( ( GRLIB_last_halo_jump + ( GRLIB_halo_param * 60 ) ) - time ) / 60 ) ];

_dialog = createDialog "liberation_halo";
dojump = 0;
halo_position = getpos player;

_backpackcontents = [];

[ "halo_map_event", "onMapSingleClick", { halo_position = _pos } ] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

"spawn_marker" setMarkerTextLocal (localize "STR_HALO_PARAM");

waitUntil { dialog };
while { dialog && alive player && dojump == 0 } do {
	"spawn_marker" setMarkerPosLocal halo_position;

	sleep 0.1;

if ( dialog ) then {
	closeDialog 0;
	sleep 0.1;

"spawn_marker" setMarkerPosLocal markers_reset;
"spawn_marker" setMarkerTextLocal "";

[ "halo_map_event", "onMapSingleClick" ] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;

if ( dojump > 0 ) then {
	GRLIB_last_halo_jump = time;
	halo_position = [ halo_position, random 250, random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
	halo_position = [ halo_position select 0, halo_position select 1, GRLIB_halo_altitude + (random 200) ];
	halojumping = true;
	sleep 0.1;
	cutRsc ["fasttravel", "PLAIN", 1];
	playSound "parasound";
	sleep 2;
	_backpack = backpack player;
	if ( _backpack != "" && _backpack != "B_Parachute" ) then {
		_backpackcontents = backpackItems player;
		removeBackpack player;
		sleep 0.1;
	player addBackpack "B_Parachute";

	player setpos halo_position;

	sleep 4;
	halojumping = false;
	waitUntil { !alive player || isTouchingGround player };
	if ( _backpack != "" && _backpack != "B_Parachute" ) then {
		sleep 2;
		player addBackpack _backpack;
		clearAllItemsFromBackpack player;
		{ player addItemToBackpack _x } foreach _backpackcontents;

So I am trying to relearn scripting after a very long break dating back to arma 2. After several days of research and looking, nothing has worked. I am trying to add functionality to the script above that has ai in my group jump with me if they are within a certain distance and apply the random factor to them as well. As of right now, I am lost on what to do.

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Here is my script. (easier for me). I hope it works also in MP. I prefer to keep the units backpacks and place them as ventral. Not easy to have a smooth anim in MP.


MGI_fnc_orient = {
  _obj = _this select 0;
  _p = _this select 1;
  _obj setVectorDirAndUp [
    [ 0,cos _p,sin _p],
    [[0,-sin _p,cos _p],0] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D
MGI_HALOJump = {
jump_alt = _this select 0;
jump_safety = _this select 1;
_pole = _this select 2;
_forSquad = _this select 3;
MGI_units =  if (_forSquad) then [{(units player) select {local _x}},{player}];

_pole addAction ["<t color='#2222ff'>HALO jump</t>",{
  openmap [true,false];
  titleText["Select Map Position", "PLAIN"];
    if (backpack _x !="") then {
      _x setVariable ["bpk",unitBackpack _x]
    } else {_x setVariable ["bpk",objNull]
  } forEach MGI_units;

  { if (local _x) then {
    _x spawn { _unit = _this;
    waitUntil {!isNull  (_unit getVariable "bpk")};
      _bpk =  (_unit getVariable "bpk");
      _unit setVariable ["id",name _unit];
      ["id"+(_unit getVariable "id"), "onEachFrame", {
        _unit = _this select 0;
        _bpk = objectParent (_this select 1);
            if (stance _unit == "UNDEFINED") exitWith {
              _bpk attachTo [_unit,[-0.1,-0.05,-0.7],'leaning_axis'];
              [_bpk,-180] remoteExec ["MGI_fnc_orient"]};
            if (stance _unit == "STAND") exitWith {
              _bpk  attachTo [_unit,[-0.1,0.75,-0.05],'leaning_axis'];
              [_bpk,-90] remoteExec ["MGI_fnc_orient"]};

      },[_unit,_bpk]] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
  } forEach MGI_units
} remoteExec ["call"];

   onMapSingleClick "
   {[_x,_forEachIndex,_pos] spawn {
    params ['_unit','_index','_pos'];
    _unit setPos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1, jump_alt+(10*_index)];
    sleep 0.2;
    _unit addBackpack 'B_parachute';
    _bpk = _unit getVariable 'bpk';
    _bpktype = typeOf (_unit getVariable 'bpk');
    waitUntil {(getpos _unit select 2) < jump_safety or isTouchingGround _unit};
    if (!isTouchingGround _unit) then {_unit action ['OpenParachute', _unit]};
    waitUntil {sleep 0.5; ((getPosATL _unit select 2) < 6 && isNull objectParent _unit) or !alive _unit};
    _unit setVariable ['bpk',objNull];
    if (!isnil {_unit getVariable 'id'}) then {
      ['id'+(_unit getVariable 'id'),'onEachFrame'] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
      _unit setVariable ['id',nil];
    waitUntil {isNull objectParent _unit};
    sleep 2;
    detach objectParent _bpk;
    if (isPlayer _unit) then {disableUserInput true};
    _unit action ['AddBag',objectParent _bpk, _bpktype];
    if (isPlayer _unit) then {disableUserInput false};
   } forEach MGI_units;
  openmap [false,false];
  onMapSingleClick '';
  false"},nil, 5,false, true,"","vehicle _this == _this"];

[500,100,this,true] call MGI_halojump;

parameters are: jump alt, safety alt, object you placed the code, boolean for AI group or player only.

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Thank's mate I will give it a shot.

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2 hours ago, Midnighters said:

BIS_fnc_halo :shrug::shrug: 

(of course with edits you'll be able to get the same features, but eh)

The same feature and far beyond.

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5 hours ago, pierremgi said:

The same feature and far beyond.


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