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Script Field in TB-Connected Buldozer

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I stumbled across this command buldozer_LoadNewRoads and was wondering how to actually run this in Buldozer when connected to Terrain Builder. There was no console available or any interface for script input. Using the Dev-Build executeables as Buldozer didn't enable the internal debug console as well (RscDisplayDebug). You used to be able to use the Cheat1 + C hotkey to bring up the internal debug console, but that's no longer working (for me).

So I did quick and dirty config trick. I took the core configs on P:\ drive and modified the F1 menu that appears in BZ when connected to TB.

How to:

  • Unpack P:\dta\bin.pbo or debin the config.bin in P:\bin
  • Open P:\bin\config.cpp
  • Find "RscDisplayOptions"
  • Find "class Controls"
    class Controls


  • Go add this into a new line under the open squiggly-brace:
    class G_Expression: RscControlsGroup
    	x = "SafezoneX+0.1";
    	y = "SafezoneY+0.055";
    	w = "SafezoneW-0.2";
    	h = 0.23;
    	class VScrollbar
    		color[] = {0,0,0,0};
    		width = 0.001;
    		autoScrollSpeed = -1;
    		autoScrollDelay = 5;
    		autoScrollRewind = 0;
    	class HScrollbar
    		color[] = {0,0,0,0};
    		height = 0.001;
    	class ScrollBar: ScrollBar{};
    	class Controls
    		class TextExpression: RscText
    			x = 0.01;
    			y = 0;
    			w = 0.2;
    			h = 0.03;
    			sizeEx = 0.027;
    			text = "$STR_UI_DEBUG_EXPRESSION";
    		class ValueExpression: RscEdit
    			idc = 101;
    			style = 16;
    			x = 0.018;
    			y = 0.03;
    			w = "SafezoneW-1+0.76";
    			h = 0.16;
    			sizeEx = 0.027;
    			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
    			colorSelection[] = {0,0.4,0,1};
    			autocomplete = "scripting";
    		class B_Apply: RscButton
    			idc = 102;
    			x = "0.018+0.1";
    			y = 0.195;
    			w = "SafezoneW-1+0.76-0.1";
    			h = 0.03;
    			sizeEx = 0.027;
    			text = "$STR_UI_DEBUG_BUT_APPLY";
    			default = 0;
    			action = "call compile ctrlText ((findDisplay 3) displayCtrl 101)";


  • Save it and run BZ again.
  • Receive this:


Maybe this helps one or the other, and maybe this could become a regular thing from the tools side, as this core-config hacking means you'll have to update this every time a new config.bin is placed in P:\bin, which is probably every buldozer.exe update.


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