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Grumpy Old Man

[SNIPPET] Increase viewdistance for aircraft and predefined vehicle classes

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Hey folks,


with the rather new setFeatureType command it is now possible to render vehicles all the time up to terrain view distances (12km+).

This little snippet helps doing that, just put it into init.sqf:

_vehicles = ["B_MBT_01_arty_F","B_soldier_M_F"];//vehicle classes that should be visible
_loop = _vehicles spawn {
	params ["_vehicles"];
	while {true} do {
		if (typeOf _x isKindof "Air" OR typeof _x in _vehicles) then {_x setFeatureType 2};
		} forEach (vehicles + allunits);

	sleep 10;

Just wanted to share it.



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Doesn't really matter from a performance point of view, since the params command happens only once in the init.sqf.



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How would I make this a mission parameter?

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4 minutes ago, Jnr4817 said:

How would I make this a mission parameter?

I don't get the question.

You either run it or don't.



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Never mind. I was confused as to what the function was doing. I thought it was setting the distance separately. I see now it is allowing the view of objects you set to  match your view distance.  I figured it out. Thanks for the code snippet. 


How to make dedicated or multiplayer compatible?

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