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Patrol function not working

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Hello everyone,

I created a simple script that takes an array of groups and then gets those groups tp patrol a marker area. But it is simply not working.

params ["_marker","_groups"];

    _x setBehaviour "Safe";
    _x setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
    _x setFormation "COLUMN";
    [_x,getMarkerPos _marker,getMarkerSize _marker] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
}forEach _groups;

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You could use also the CBA patrol module. It works fine (right now).

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10 hours ago, Lucullus said:

This question again?


look at wiki: BIS_fnc_taskPatrol


Distance must be a number, not an array.


Thank you, i thought marker size was a number i never looked at it's format

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On April 11, 2017 at 11:47 AM, pierremgi said:

You could use also the CBA patrol module. It works fine (right now).

EEeeek, regardless of how off topic this may be.

I hate CBA dependencies

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2 hours ago, Midnighters said:

EEeeek, regardless of how off topic this may be.

I hate CBA dependencies

I don't like useless dependencies, but I'm just using the CBA patrol module for my COOP (blue link below). Lazy probably. But I have so much personal scripts, I can make this unique exception.

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