dlegion 98 Posted April 8, 2017 hello there! i've a problem, apparently simple. working in a dedicated server JIP respawn situation, i have a script that works with friendlies, but not on enemys. i tried in console " player reveal cursorObject; " while aiming at the enemy soldier, and then it works perfectly! can someone suggest a way to execute this command like every 2- 3 seconds , or a better way to do so? very thanks !! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarogahtyp 1109 Posted April 8, 2017 show what u have and u will get help! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dlegion 98 Posted April 9, 2017 awesome! thanks man ! the script works perfectly on SP and local MP, the desired effect is to have "drag" and "melee kill" actions while aiming at an enemy soldier. on dedicated actions dont show up, but as i saied, aiming at an enemy soldier, and as admin opening the console, and writing "player reveal cursorObject" and pressing "global execution" make it work. here's the code: Spoiler //v1_002; //// TO DISABLE AN OBJECT: IN HIS INIT: this setvariable['st_a',false]; //i |e| setvariable['st_a',|st(dragging)|]; _ay_o=[ //blacklist|whitelist (for objects dragging); 'all', 'tank', 'helicopther', 'plane', 'house' // 'F_01_truck_B' ]; //(classnames or parrent classes, last item without <,> , <//> in front excluding the item); _st_ayIo=true; //false=_ay_o is blacklist, true=_ay_o is whitelist; player forceWalk false; // added D _s_d={ a_a set[1,[true,_e addaction["Drag",{ _e=_this select 0; _e removeaction(_this select 2); a_a set[1,[false,-1,_e,objnull]]; if(a_a select 2 select 0)then{a_a select 0 removeaction(a_a select 2 select 1);a_a set[2,[false]]}; _u=_this select 1; if alive _e then{ _e attachto[_u,[0,1,0]]; //D OFFSET OF DRAGGED OBJECT _u forceWalk true; // added by DLEGION a_a set[1,[false,_u,_u addaction["Drop",{ _this select 0 removeaction(_this select 2); a_a set[1,[true,-1]]; detach(_this select 3); player forceWalk false; // added D },_e,10,false,true],_e]]; waitUntil{if(!alive _u or !alive _e)then{ _a=a_a select 1; _a select 1 removeAction(_a select 2); detach(_a select 3); player forceWalk false; // added D true }else{false}or(a_a select 1 select 0)}; }else{ _u playAction"grabDrag"; _u forceWalk true; ["d_a","onEachFrame",{ _e=_this select 0; _u=_this select 1; _e setPos(_u modelToWorld[0,1,0]); //D was 0,1,0 OFFSET OF DRAGGED CORPSE _e setdir(getDir _u+180); _e switchMove "AinjPpneMrunSnonWnonDb"; },[_e,_u]]call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; a_a set[1,[false,_u,_u addAction["Drop",{ _this select 0 removeaction(_this select 2); a_a set[1,[true,-1]]; ["d_a","onEachFrame"]call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; _this select 3 switchMove"AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDb_release"; _this select 0 forceWalk false; _this select 0 playMove"amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"; },_e,10],_e]]; waitUntil{!alive _u or(if(animationState _u=="acinpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_acinpercmrunsraswrfldnon")then{ ["d_a","onEachFrame"]call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; ["d_a","onEachFrame",{ _e=_this select 0; _u=_this select 1; _e setPos(_u modelToWorld[-0.18,0.15,0]); _e setdir(getDir _u+180); _e switchMove"AinjPfalMstpSnonWrflDf_carried_dead"; },[_e,_u]]call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; waitUntil{!alive _u or(a_a select 1 select 0)}; true }else{false})or(a_a select 1 select 0) }; player forceWalk false; // added D if !alive _u then{ _a=a_a select 1; a_a set[1,[true,-1]]; _a select 1 removeAction(_a select 2); ["d_a","onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; _a select 3 switchMove"AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDb_release"; _a select 1 forceWalk false //z_a select 1 playMove"amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"; } } },[],0,false,true,"","_this distance _target<2"]]] // D, was 2.1 , SHOW DISTANCE OF ACTION }; a_a=[objnull,[true,-1],[false],-1]; while{true}do{ sid=switch side player do{ case west:{sid_e=east;sid_e1=independent;west}; case east:{sid_e=west;sid_e1=independent;east}; case independent:{sid_e=east;sid_e1=west;independent}; case sideenemy:{sid_e=west;sid_e1=east;sideenemy}; case civilian:{sid_e=civilian;sid_e1=civilian;civilian}; }; _le=a_a select 0; _e=cursortarget; if(_e!=_le)then{ if(a_a select 2 select 0)then{_le removeaction(a_a select 2 select 1);a_a set[2,[false]]}; if(a_a select 3!=-1)then{_le removeaction(a_a select 3);a_a set[3,-1]}; _a=a_a select 1; _sid=side _e; if(_a select 0)then{ if(_a select 1!=-1)then{_le removeaction(_a select 1);a_a set[1,[true,-1]]}; if(_sid==sid_e or(_sid==sid_e1))then{ if(_e iskindof"man")then{ a_a set[2,[true,_e addaction["Melee Kill",{ _u=_this select 0; _u removeaction(_this select 2); if(cursorTarget==_u)then{_u setdamage 1} },[],0,true,true,"","_this distance _target<2.1"]]] } }else{ if(_sid==sid)then{ a_a set[2,[true,_e addaction["Get in squad",{ _this select 0 removeaction(_this select 2); crew(_this select 0)join(_this select 1) },[],0,false,false]]] }; if(_e getvariable['st_a',true]and( _e iskindof'man'or(if _st_ayIo then{ call{_lfst=false;{if(_e iskindof _x)exitwith{_lfst=true}}foreach _ay_o;_lfst} }else{ call{_lfst=true;{if(_e iskindof _x)exitwith{_lfst=false}}foreach _ay_o;_lfst} }) ))then{call _s_d}; } }else{ if(alive(_a select 3))then{ _v=0; if(_e emptyPositions"driver">0)then{_v=1}else{ if(_e emptyPositions"gunner">0)then{_v=2}else{ if(_e emptyPositions"commander">0)then{_v=3}else{ if(_e emptyPositions"cargo">0)then{_v=4} } } }; if(_v!=0)then{ a_a set[3,_e addaction["load in",{ _this select 0 removeAction(_this select 2); _a=a_a select 1; _a select 1 removeaction(_a select 2); a_a set[3,-1]; _u=_a select 3; detach _u; switch(_this select 3)do{ case 1:{_u moveInDriver(_this select 0)}; case 2:{_u moveingunner(_this select 0)}; case 3:{_u moveincommander(_this select 0)}; case 4:{_u moveincargo(_this select 0)} }; a_a set[1,[true,-1]] },_v,8,true]]; } } }; a_a set[0,_e] } }; script is not mine, but more or less i understand its raw meaning (i edited some parts to forcewalk while dragging objects...all comments with "D" are mine). in fact also R3F_LOG logistic script has the exact same problem with enemy soldiers not recognized and action not showing up, thats why i imagined a sort of "script in loop" that checks every 3 seconds "player reveal cursorObject", but probably to work this has to run on server...thats the part i dont know :( thanks ! 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dlegion 98 Posted April 10, 2017 Im worried about performance....maybe adding a sort of "if iskindof "man " will help ? And how keep command local to client ? Thanks ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dlegion 98 Posted April 11, 2017 really noone can help with a "reveal object loop " ? plz :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4944 Posted April 11, 2017 I don't understand why / when you need the reveal command? Your script is something about adding actions like "drag"... So what is the link between all of that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarogahtyp 1109 Posted April 11, 2017 As he said the action is not always showing up on enemy's which are inside the cursor target and reveal helps in that caseGesendet von meinem SUNNY mit Tapatalk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dlegion 98 Posted April 12, 2017 well...i did my best (and i know its bad), and i made this: initPlayerLocal.sqf [] execVM "DtargetRefresh.sqf"; DtargetRefresh.sqf while {true} do {player reveal cursorObject; Sleep 3;}; it works...i'm just worried about performance...will it be just local , right? and will run the command for the whole game-time be a problem ? is there a better way? thanks guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarogahtyp 1109 Posted April 12, 2017 No, it has not much impact on performance and yes it runs local on players machine. if u want to gett the action instantly and not after 3 seconds (worst case) then you should use a mission event handler: _id = addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", { if (!isNull cursorObject) then {player reveal cursorObject;}; }]; this executes those reveal on every frame and it should not have a noticable performance impact as well. as u did above you should insert that into initPlayerLocal.sqf or initPlayer.sqf. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4944 Posted April 12, 2017 Ah OK, I understand. The script uses : _e=cursortarget; Then, effectively, cursortarget needs a "knowledge about" the target. On the other hand, if you replace it by cursorObject, you don't need any loop. see the differences between cursortarget and cursorObject in BIKI. Take time to read the remarks also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dlegion 98 Posted April 13, 2017 Ah nice news ! Will try it and report back ! Thanks guys ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dlegion 98 Posted April 13, 2017 Ah nice news ! Will try it and report back ! Thanks guys ! EDIT Tested Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dlegion 98 Posted April 13, 2017 Works perfectly and was simple solution !! Really thanks man, "cursorobject " was the way to go !! Thanks !! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites