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I made a mission a while ago which requires a mod that no longer exists. There is NO way i will ever find it again, as it was not published.

I can not untick the "binarize mission file" as I CAN NOT EVEN ACESS THE MISSION.


I heard that you can unbinarize the mission file somehow and then delete the addon there, but i have no idea how to do it.


Any help would be appreciated!

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1 hour ago, Grumpy Old Man said:
  1. Go into editor
  2. Uncheck the binarize button
  3. Move on




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Unchecking the binarize button will leave it unchecked for future missions.

There's no way that I know of how to unbinarize a mission file that can't be opened in the editor anymore.

Other than that you pretty much answered your own question, no need to write in all caps.



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It is possible to fix my problem the following way:


1: Download arma 3 tools from steam

2: Open it and select Cfgsomething (i think it was functions, it was on the top left anyway)

3. Put the mission.sqms file path in the top line and the destination folders path in the bottom line

4. Click convert

5. Youll get a weird .cpp file in that folder, simply rename it to mission.sqm

6. Open it and delete the missing mod under addons

7. Delete old mission.sqm and replace it with the new one

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1 hour ago, WurschtBanane said:

Open it and select Cfgsomething (i think it was functions, it was on the top left anyway)

Put the mission.sqms file path in the top line and the destination folders path in the bottom line

Youll get a weird .cpp file in that folder, simply rename it to mission.sqm

Just go to the tools install directory/CfgConvert and there you will find a batch file called MissionDerap.bat just drag your mission.sqm on to it and it will rename the old mission.sqm to mission.sqm.Backup and save a debinarised version for you in the original folder you dragged it from.

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