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Buldozer Refuses To Open

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So my current issue with Buldozer is that it...

1.) Refuses to open yet shows that it is a background process in my task manager. After waiting a very long time to see if it will open it doesn't so I close out of it in Task Manager. I then see that it was trying to open but couldn't by showing the blue indication.(See below for images)



2.) When it does open it only shows a half loaded visual and then freezes immediately. (See below for image)



I have been following CAPTNCAPS' YouTube tutorial series all the way up to #5 where I begin to place roads. Before I began creating roads my Buldozer was working fine and I was able to edit the terrain fine.


The current script I have to "see" roads in Buldozer is straight from the tutorial.

result = buldozer_LoadNewRoads "P:/EthaeaIsland/data/roads/";

This is located in "This PC > Local Disk (P:) > scripts" within an "editor.sqs" file.


I have been searching every post about anything like this and have yet to find the answer. It's been a week of searching so far. Any help is appreciated!

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9 minutes ago, m1lkm8n said:

Scrap that tutorial. It's old and outdated. 


Go here :



Mikeros newest arma3p update include lappi's new road script which supports updating roads in buldozer.  Give the pmc wiki a read through 


Alright thanks, I'll check it out and hopefully see whats killing my buldozer.


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So I've been following the instructions step by step for the guide (http://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial) and I am still encountering issues with Buldozer. In this case it's my "1.)" issue.


So my current issue with Buldozer is that it...

1.) Refuses to open yet shows that it is a background process in my task manager. After waiting a very long time to see if it will open it doesn't so I close out of it in Task Manager. I then see that it was trying to open but couldn't by showing the blue indication.(See below for images)



Can anyone help me out? It is very frustrating.

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So I am now able to run Buldozer but when I launch it my world doesn't load. All I see is the water, yet I have followed the guide exactly. I am able to teleport myself around within the Terrain Builder but nothing appears in my buldozer. Is it a texture thing or what?



I am able to move around and do everything I would normally be able to do in Buldozer but I cannot see anything.

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Have you rebuild terrain after importing heightmap?

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6 hours ago, RoF said:

Have you rebuild terrain after importing heightmap?

Yes I have and it worked. :D

But now I figured out that I have encountered another issue. Just a small one though... No texture is being displayed in buldozer, yet I have everything setup correctly i'm pretty sure. (According to the guide)


What I see in Buldozer - http://i.imgur.com/LAzczQ2.png

What my file browser looks like:

This PC > Local Disk (P:) > ETG > ETG_Ethaea_Island

 - Data Folder

 - Source Folder


Inside my Data Folder - http://i.imgur.com/wJYAIW4.png

Inside my Source Folder - http://i.imgur.com/1nBTcKf.png

My Layer.cfg is as follows:

class Layers
	class tut_grass_green
		texture = "etg\etg_ethaea_island\data\gdt_grass_green_co.paa";
		material = "etg\etg_ethaea_island\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat";
class Legend
	picture = "maplegend.png";
	class Colors
		tut_grass_green[] = {{ 230, 230, 120 }};

Inside of my gdt_grass_green.rvmat is as follows:

ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
diffuse[] = {0.7,0.7,0.7,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0};
specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0};
specularPower = 1;
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};
PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse";
VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha";
class Stage1
	texture = "ETG\ETG_Ethaea_Island\data\gdt_grass_green_nopx.paa";
	uvSource = "tex";
	class uvTransform
		aside[] = {5,0,0};
		up[]    = {0,5,0};
		dir[]   = {0,0,5};
		pos[]   = {0,0,0};
class Stage2
	texture = "ETG\ETG_Ethaea_Island\data\gdt_grass_green_co.paa";
	uvSource = "tex";
	class uvTransform
		aside[] = {5,0,0};
		up[]    = {0,5,0};
		dir[]   = {0,0,5};
		pos[]   = {0,0,0};

As you can tell, I am very new to this.

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So after you export the sat and map from the map frame properties have you converted them to paa files?


and can you post a screenshot of the entire folder path not just the contents of the folder please.


also it looks like your tag is ETG.  I would suggest you change the class names and the files name man of your ground textures to have that tag as well. So rather than gdt_grass_green.rvmat it would be ETG_grass_green.rvmat. Same goes for your texture files otherwise you will have clutter issues eventually because it conflicts with the bis clutter already assigned to that texture. 



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33 minutes ago, m1lkm8n said:

So after you export the sat and map from the map frame properties have you converted them to paa files?


and can you post a screenshot of the entire folder path not just the contents of the folder please.


also it looks like your tag is ETG.  I would suggest you change the class names and the files name man of your ground textures to have that tag as well. So rather than gdt_grass_green.rvmat it would be ETG_grass_green.rvmat. Same goes for your texture files otherwise you will have clutter issues eventually because it conflicts with the bis clutter already assigned to that texture. 



Is there any way we would be able to speak via teamspeak or discord to figure out what's happening?

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23 minutes ago, m1lkm8n said:

Hop in the arma terrain channel on discord or Skype. 

I'm sorry but how do I find the discord info?

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