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Using 2 multimaterial rvmats within the same object

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              How  Is it possible to use 2 multimaterial rvmats on the one house? Can there be 4 UV maps in the one object in OB? ie.2 masks?

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why would you need 4 UV maps (although that is possible yes). using 2 multimaps is a matter of selecting faces and associating a rvmat for these faces. You cannot use 2 rvmats for the same selection if that is what you are asking.

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To clarify,  the one mask can be shared by various rvmats as in the attached pic? Thankyou,


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yes it can be shared of course, but tbh i don't get why one would, it will only limit the way you unwrap on the second uv set

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Sorry i dont understand,if i dont use the one mask then i need another uv set in the model for the second mask coordinates dont i? Hence why i said 4 UV,s. Two for seperate masks and then copied for stretching the textures so to speak.

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Currently this is how i do with one rvmat and mask.

1.unwrap model to UV and fit all faces nicely.Use this UV for mask and MC,ADS etc.

2.copy that UV and use as second set for texture sizing,application.

3.assign rvmat to all faces associated with the mask.


.If those faces that i wish to use with a second rvmat are not within the first mask then what do i do?

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a. ideally, especially due to texel density, each multimat should have it's own ADS MASK and MC textures.

b. if you choose to share a that MASK between the 2 multimats, you should also share the ADS and MC textures because the UVW information for the the 2 multimats is going to fit in the same 0-1/0-1 UV space.


stop talking about 4 UV sets. Even if you choose to use different textures for the second UV set (ADS, MASK, MC), the information will be stored in a secondary UV set either way.


to answer your point questions:
1. unwrap the model based on MULTIMAT selections in UV set 2 (or UV set 1 if the first one is called uv set0) - secondary one

2. copy or not, it is up to you (i never copy that, i actually do this first then the other)

3. associate the 2 rvmats based on the multimat, not based on your secondary uv set...




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