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Hi all,


I'm looking for the class for the bridges on Tanoa, im making Burj Al Arab and I really need the classname for it so I can place it. I cant find it anywhere either.



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There is no classname for bridges, and it is most likely made of many sections. You can get the model path with getModelInfo cursorObject and spawn sections with createSimpleObject 

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Got it.




I try to create it with a simpleobject but encounter errors both times using both of those.





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39 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

Hold on, let me get my crystal ball


It is your crystal ball :hehe:


I used your code.

_bridge = "bridgesea_01_f.p3d","a3\structures_f_exp\infastructure\bridges\bridgesea_01_f.p3d" createVehicleLocal (player getRelPos [10, 0]); 
_position = getPosWorld _bridge; 
_vectorDirUp = [vectorDir _bridge, vectorUp _bridge];
_model = getModelInfo _bridge select 1;
deleteVehicle _bridge;
_bridgea = createSimpleObject [_model, _position];
_bridgea setVectorDirAndUp _vectorDirUp;


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4 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

I dunno what this is, but it ain't SQF for sure ;)



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createVehicleLocal takes object classname, but

1 hour ago, killzone_kid said:

There is no classname for bridges


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shit im stuck 


BIS please add bridges in eden

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1 hour ago, killzone_kid said:

There is no classname for bridges, and it is most likely made of many sections. You can get the model path with getModelInfo cursorObject and spawn sections with createSimpleObject 

right, forgot there is no real classnames for the roads.

nearRoads would still be an option though?


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2 minutes ago, Midnighters said:

right, forgot there is no real classnames for the roads.

nearRoads would still be an option though?



Nope no cigar!

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Just now, M. Glade said:


Nope no cigar!

Are you sure?

Last time I had hinted some found roads, and they were all .p3d paths.

Am I on the same page here?

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1 minute ago, Midnighters said:

Are you sure?

Last time I had hinted some found roads, and they were all .p3d paths.

Am I on the same page here?


Yes, when I try to find roads while im on the bridge it returns nothing.

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Just now, M. Glade said:


Yes, when I try to find roads while im on the bridge it returns nothing.

are you finding roads based on the player's position?

Originally I had just used a game logic,

don't know if it's different using a player unit, shouldn't be.

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3 minutes ago, Midnighters said:

are you finding roads based on the player's position?

Originally I had just used a game logic,

don't know if it's different using a player unit, shouldn't be.


Used both nothing.

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1 minute ago, M. Glade said:


Used both nothing.


Try and expand your radius, the may just be connected in huge lengths? I don't know?


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1 minute ago, Midnighters said:


Try and expand your radius, the may just be connected in huge lengths? I don't know?



Even if it was connected using whole lengths I'd just need the name of the bridge part, unless it would be connecting as 1 whole thing it'd have to be a different model.

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Just now, M. Glade said:


Even if it was connected using whole lengths I'd just need the name of the bridge part, unless it would be connecting as 1 whole thing it'd have to be a different model.

Right, I'm just confused as to how you were not able to find any at all.

I tested it a couple days ago on Tanoa, and within a 300 meter radius of the larger civilian terminal on the main island.

I was able to find 50+ segments. 

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Just now, Midnighters said:

Right, I'm just confused as to how you were not able to find any at all.

I tested it a couple days ago on Tanoa, and within a 300 meter radius of the larger civilian terminal on the main island.

I was able to find 50+ segments. 


Hmm odd, can you post here what you used if you still have it? thx

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2 minutes ago, M. Glade said:


Hmm odd, can you post here what you used if you still have it? thx

I'll try and grab it here in a couple hours.

At school right now,

I believe I just did this:

_roads = getPos map_gl nearRoads 300;

oh and to return:

hint format["%1",_roads];


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56 minutes ago, M. Glade said:

shit im stuck 


So you have model path from getModelInfo and cursorObject, right?
And position you can decide yourself, where you want to put your object, as long as it is position world, right?
Then you have createSimpleObject command that needs only model path and position to create object from this model, right?


Damn it. I'm stuck as well...



bridge = createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f_exp\infrastructure\bridges\bridgesea_01_f.p3d", getPosWorld player]; 


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44 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:


So you have model path from getModelInfo and cursorObject, right?
And position you can decide yourself, where you want to put your object, as long as it is position world, right?
Then you have createSimpleObject command that needs only model path and position to create object from this model, right?


Damn it. I'm stuck as well...


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bridge = createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f_exp\infrastructure\bridges\bridgesea_01_f.p3d", getPosWorld player]; 



Stop making fools look like fools :(

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3 hours ago, killzone_kid said:


So you have model path from getModelInfo and cursorObject, right?
And position you can decide yourself, where you want to put your object, as long as it is position world, right?
Then you have createSimpleObject command that needs only model path and position to create object from this model, right?


Damn it. I'm stuck as well...


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bridge = createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f_exp\infrastructure\bridges\bridgesea_01_f.p3d", getPosWorld player]; 


My entire confusion entirely, was where to actually find the paths..

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