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Problem with the terrain editors elevasion

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I need some help... so when I put the map into terrain builder I have all the layers, but when I lower the elevation to get the ocean/water to show up it covers the island and there are a lot small little islands in the water. I have all the correct terrain files from the source.


the map is kelleysisland btw 

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If you have to alter height map data it's best to use a third party program like l3dt or something. I would only suggest using terrainbuilder or buldozer to make small tweaks 

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Is there anyway to select a certain area using a lasso tool in the edit terrain tab instead of the square so I can raise the elevation of the island then smooth out the coast in bulldozer

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On 1/13/2017 at 8:37 AM, reconghost said:

Is there anyway to select a certain area using a lasso tool in the edit terrain tab instead of the square so I can raise the elevation of the island then smooth out the coast in bulldozer

The best you can do is hold CTRL while selecting to select additional areas. You can also use SHIFT to de-select areas.

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