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Spawn custom composition?

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This may or may not be at all possible, I'm just very curious, but you know how you have your custom compositions in the eden editor? Is there a way you can spawn a custom composition into the mission using a trigger or script? Instead of placing it in the editor from the start? It would be really cool and useful for some of my missions, as some specific compositons I've made are not really relative super early in the mission, and using the show/hide module to manage them can be a little tedious. Any insight would be great :)

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I was wondering this myself..I run Liberation on my server and the FOBs we deploy are just vanilla Military HQs..thought it would be cool to make up and actual FOB in the Compositions and be able to spawn it..haven't figured it out yet though..hopefully someone has an answer.



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I asked that in a previous request. No answer so far. Compositions are just for copy/paste, with the added value, you can do that in any mission (while in editor). one of the main problem is to set the correct altitude for each object/unit (especially object).

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