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Helicopter Extract Script

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I know this has been discussed before. But most of what I could find involves extracting using just the editor, and I am trying to use only a script. I want to spawn a helicopter, move to WP and land, wait until player group is in helicopter, then take off and move to next waypoint. I have got everything to work, but the helicopter will not take off once people are in.


I have tried

waitUntil { { ( alive _x ) || { ( _x in ( _airframe1 select 0 ) ) } } count (units ALPHA) == count (units ALPHA)};

waitUntil {player1 in _airframe1};

waitUntil  {{_x in _airframe1} count (units ALPHA) == {alive _x} count (units ALPHA)};

waitUntil {alive _X && !(_X in crew heli)} count (units ALPHA) <= 0;
waituntil {{_x in _airframe1} count (units group player) == {alive _x} count (units group player)};

With ALPHA being the player's group or the unit being named player1, with the helo being named _airframe1. Any help appreciated. 

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waitUntil {sleep 3; (count (allplayers select {alive _x})) isEqualTo (count (allplayers select {_x in _airframe1}))};


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Didn't work. Helicopter still just sits and never takes off. Any other ideas?


Here is the whole script in case it helps. 

_crew1 = [];
_airframe1 = [];

if (isServer) then {

_crew1 = creategroup WEST; 
_airframe1 = [getMarkerPos "pickup_spawn", markerDir "pickup_spawn", "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", _crew1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

_wp1 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "pickup"), 0];
_wp1 setWaypointType "LOAD";
_wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FAST";
_wp1 setwaypointstatements ["true", "(vehicle this) LAND 'GET IN';"];

//waitUntil { { ( alive _x ) || { ( _x in ( _airframe1 select 0 ) ) } } count (units ALPHA) == count (units ALPHA)};
//waitUntil {player1 in _airframe1};
//waitUntil  {{_x in _airframe1} count (units ALPHA) == {alive _x} count (units ALPHA)};
//waitUntil {alive _X && !(_X in crew heli)} count (units ALPHA) <= 0;
//waituntil {{_x in _airframe1} count (units group player) == {alive _x} count (units group player)};
//waitUntil {sleep 3; (count (allplayers select {alive _x})) isEqualTo (count (allplayers select {_x in _airframe1}))};

_wp2 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "pickup_spawn"), 100];
_wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FAST";


All the different waitUntils I have tried are commented. 

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I can successfully get this to work with a number of different code in the condition field of a waypoint if the unit it already placed in editor. For example this works perfectly in the condition field:


{_x in transport} count (units ALPHA) == {alive _x} count (units ALPHA);

However in the script nothing with waitUntil works. 

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here you go


_crew1 = [];
_airframe1 = [];
_heli = objNull;

if (isServer) then {

_crew1 = creategroup WEST; 
_airframe1 = [getMarkerPos "pickup_spawn", markerDir "pickup_spawn", "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", _crew1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_heli = _airframe1 select 0;
_wp1 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "pickup"), 0];
_wp1 setWaypointType "LOAD";
_wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FAST";
_wp1 setwaypointstatements ["true", "(vehicle this) LAND 'GET IN';"];

waitUntil {sleep 3;(count (allplayers select {alive _x})) isEqualTo (count (allplayers select {_x in _heli}))};

_wp2 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "pickup_spawn"), 100];
_wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FAST";



Issue was you didn't check the vehicle but the whole array.



Return Value:

Array - 0: created vehicle (Object), 1: all crew (Array of Objects), 2: vehicle's group (Group)

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just glancing at this , this line appears wrong



waitUntil {alive _X && !(_X in crew heli)} count (units ALPHA) <= 0;


the waituntil condition will never be true, need to move the bracket



waitUntil {alive _X && !(_X in crew heli) count (units ALPHA) <= 0;}


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2 hours ago, nomadd said:

just glancing at this , this line appears wrong



the waituntil condition will never be true, need to move the bracket



Actually it needs to be like this:

waitUntil {{alive _x && !(_x in crew heli)} count (units ALPHA) <= 0}


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