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Halo Jump From Static C130

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Hello All,


I'm trying to create a mission where you start in the C130 which Is at a fixed height on mission start, I'm having abit of trouble getting players into the back of the C130 along with an ammo crate (For Gear before Mission)


Here's what I have so far:


C130 Init:

plane1 attachTo [b,[0,0,3500]]; plane1 flyinheight 3500;

Static Bunker over the position of the LZ: (Simply hiding the bunker)

haloPoint hideobject True;


p1 attachTo [plane1,[0,0,-1.58]]; [this,"STAND","FULL",{(player distance _this) < 5}] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat; detach p1; 


With This the player starts on-top of the plane and not inside it, I also have no idea how I would do this with multiple players? Could someone help me work out the problem?


PS The C130 I am using is EBU_C130 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24735)




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Have you tried dragging and dropping the player/AI into the C130 in EDEN?

Don't use attachTo, assign them to the cargo position points inside the aircraft, attachTo only makes them attach themselves externaly to the aircraft.

Why not use the VQI Halo module, as this pretty much does what you're looking to achieve?

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25 minutes ago, road runner said:

Have you tried dragging and dropping the player/AI into the C130 in EDEN?

Don't use attachTo, assign them to the cargo position points inside the aircraft, attachTo only makes them attach themselves externaly to the aircraft.

Why not use the VQI Halo module, as this pretty much does what you're looking to achieve?


Will Try the EDEN thing now! Didn't think of that! 


I wanted to use it but it has a lot of script errors while playing and I'm not sure if all player are teleported to into the aircraft

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They will be, but you need an "eject script" as well,otherwise they will stay in the aircraft.

You can also use the RHS Paradrop script, it works really well, I think by default all AI open their chutes at 300M's  and it gives you a bit more of an intro.

The VQI script does port all AI but they only appear "after" you depart the aircraft, you don't see them till you're in freefall.

Also with your script it looks like only p1 will leave the aircraft.

Another simple Paradrop script that works pretty well is the one by Beerkan, this is in a helo, but can easily be adapted for aircraft.




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6 minutes ago, road runner said:

They will be, but you need an "eject script" as well,otherwise they will stay in the aircraft.

You can also use the RHS Paradrop script, it works really well, I think by default all AI open their chutes at 300M's  and it gives you a bit more of an intro.

The VQI script does port all AI but they only appear "after" you depart the aircraft, you don't see them till you're in freefall.

Also with your script it looks like only p1 will leave the aircraft.

Another simple Paradrop script that works pretty well is the one by Beerkan, this is in a helo, but can easily be adapted for aircraft.





Well This wont be for AI It will be for actual MP Players, So this is were I am unsure if VQI will work?



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4 minutes ago, tom.tucka said:


Well This wont be for AI It will be for actual MP Players, So this is were I am unsure if VQI will work?



I'm pretty sure it will work for MP players, as I think it was intended that way, as the AI support is disabled by default.

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3 minutes ago, road runner said:

I'm pretty sure it will work for MP players, as I think it was intended that way, as the AI support is disabled by default.


Okay,  I will do some testing with VQI in MP and see how it pans out

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Right as it is, it's NOT coded for Dedicated Server play. It may or may not work. But, we do play standard MP every weekend. It works fine over our LAN setup. The trick is have a client pc set the FlightPlan and have the Sever pc go last in teleporting into the craft. It should support numerous players for MP.


Sorry for no Dedicated Server support. I have huge requests for this. I just don't know if I'll ever get to that point. I also have no need for it myself since we only play over a private home network.

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It's an exceptional Mod, one of the best I've ever used. But Dedicated does not work. It would be wonderful if it worked. Congrats on the job.

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We do exactly this, however, players start on the ground, walk into the aircraft and it fades and the players are attached where they stand, allowing the plane to be teleported, after that, players are unattached and jump out.

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