HuBBa 1 Posted April 30, 2002 Since the issue of ballistics have been one of great controversity and many people have their own interpretation (read guesses) on what areas in the CPP does what i thought i'd put the question here. First i'll state what i've figured out so far (if im correct or not is another matter cfgAmmo: hit=10; - Damage indirectHit=5; - Indirect damage indirectHitRange=0.100000; - Range ( distance from the hit where the indirect damage is applied) minRange=1; - Min range an Ai would engage with this ammo. minRangeProbab=0.100000; - What probability is it for the ai to engage (or is it hit) at this range. midRange=1; - Mid range an Ai would engage with this ammo. midRangeProbab=0.100000; - What probability is it for the ai to engage (or is it hit) at this range. maxRange=1000; - Max range an Ai would engage with this ammo. maxRangeProbab=0.100000; - What probability is it for the ai to engage (or is it hit) at this range. cost=8; - Weight of the projectile CfgWeapons opticsZoomMin=0.012000; - how much zoom do we have at the MAXIMUM zoom factor (i assume this is in game terms, the FOV value) opticsZoomMax=0.120000; - how much zoom do we have at the MINIMUM zoom factor (and again, this is probably a FOV value since higher values = less zoom) distanceZoomMin=1200; - what distance is zeroed at the first zoom factor. (the opticsZoomMin) distanceZoomMax=400; - what distance is zeroed at the second zoom factor (the opticsZoomMax) initSpeed=760; - Muzzle velocity in mps maxLeadspeed=900; - Max range in m (speed is a misnomer here if it's correct) dispersion=0.0000100; - Barrel accuracy of the weapon. K. have i misunderstood anything, have i forgotten anything? I've been trying to model a long range gun (M99 & V94) but haven't gotten 100% on the ballistics. Please someone of the BIS Illuminati (hehehe) answer this Have fun, HuBBa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suma 8 Posted April 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">maxLeadspeed=900; - Max range in m (speed is a misnomer here if it's correct) <span id='postcolor'> You misunderstoot this. This is the max. assumed speed of target when "leading" the target - also known as deflection shooting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HuBBa 1 Posted April 30, 2002 ahh.. so it's in m/s then. oki But what do we use to determine the ballistic trajectory then? InitSpeed and cost? If for example we are to fire a .50 round from a barret, the maximum range for that bullet to retain kinetic energy is 6500 meters (according to the instruction video from the USMC Scout/Sniper patrols). But the muzzle velocity is only 2700 fps (860 something mps). So i assume we have to increase the cost factor a bit then since the trajectory should be flatter than firing a smaller bullet that far (which can be done theoretically given enough powder Your thoughts? /HuBBa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suma 8 Posted April 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But what do we use to determine the ballistic trajectory then? InitSpeed and cost? <span id='postcolor'> - initSpeed from CfgWeapons class - sideAirFriction from CfgAmmo class "cost" have no relation to balistics. It is in US dollars and it is used when AI is selecting appropriate ammo against targets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antichrist 0 Posted April 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ April 30 2002,12:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"cost" have no relation to balistics. It is in US dollars and it is used when AI is selecting appropriate ammo against targets.<span id='postcolor'> LOL It's like in "Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man" When the guy is reloading his six-shooter "two dollars, four dollars, 6 dollars, 8 dollars, 10 dollars, 12 dollars......... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HuBBa 1 Posted April 30, 2002 sideAirFriction.. ahaaaaaaa.... what ranges do we have on those btw? 1-xxxx, 0.1-0.000000x? smaller ammount == straight path, higher ammount = steeper trajectory? (ie. bullet drops quickly) Btw. thanx for all the answers This has been bugging me for several weeks now /HuBBa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WKK Gimbal 0 Posted April 30, 2002 I think sideairfriction is mainly used for ... sideair. Not so much general bulletdrop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HuBBa 1 Posted April 30, 2002 So wind IS affecting the bullets in OFP? I was under the impression that wind did not affect bullets. IF it does, it would be VERY VERY VERY (add abotu 2000 more very =) nice to have a command that lets us know the wind strength plus a way to adjust the optics accordingly. Suma or the other Illuminati bosses, we would love your comments here. /HuBBa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suma 8 Posted April 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">smaller ammount == straight path, higher ammount = steeper trajectory? (ie. bullet drops quickly<span id='postcolor'> It is air friction coeficient and it is used only for missiles. The higher, the less missile drops because of lateral air friction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HuBBa 1 Posted April 30, 2002 Only for missiles. ok. so if im to understand this correct now, there isn't any ballistic coefficient for a bullet defining what range the bullet will have? it's all based on the initSpeed? /HuBBa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VipHeart 0 Posted April 30, 2002 Hey Hubba! I made a tutorial about that quite some time ago.. You can find the full one here But here's the basic: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">-> 1. Lets take a look at the scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; The scopeWeapon command makes sure wether the weapon is a rifle (and displayed as such in the briefing) or a magazine. The value "0" means it can't be displayed as weapon/magazine, the value "2" means it can. -> 2. The magazine count count=45; You declare here how many bullets are in the magazine. -> 3. The muzzle velocity initSpeed=2000; The initSpeed seems to be the muzzle velocity of the bullet. Normal values are around 900. Why do I choose 2000 for the G11? Because this seemed to improve accuracy in the burst mode.. The value units seems to be 'meter per second' (m/s) -> 4. The range with full speed maxLeadSpeed=1000; MaxLeadSpeed seems to declare how far the bullet flies with full speed (the one from the muzzle velocity). The OFP engine calculates the projectiles flight curve out of the values InitSpeed and MaxLeadSpeed. For axample grenade launchers have only about "15" I think. The value units seem to be 'meter' -> 5. The ammunition type ammo="BulletSingleW"; Here you declare what ammo type to use. If you need special ammunition make sure you created it in the CfgAmmo section (I may release a tutorial on that, too) -> 6. The shots being fired burst=1; This declares how many rounds are fired in this mode. Only in the burst mode declaration you write "3" there. -> 7. The dispersion dispersion=0.000100; This declares what dispersion the bullet has. Generally the higher this value is, the less precise is the weapon. I'm not sure wether the value unit type has something to do with 1moa (Minute Of Angle = 2, at 100m) -> 8. The reload speed in the fire mode reloadTime=0.150000; This is the speed of the fire mode. Basically it's the cyclic rate /Rounds per minute. You can calculate it this way: 60/rpm - means 60 seconds divided by the value for the rounds per miniute. Exemple? RPM=800, then 60/800 = 0.075000 -> 9. don't know really ffCount=1; This must be the same value as the burst value -> 10. The recoil recoil="riffleBurst3"; This is the value for the recoil. I'll make a tutorial on this later.. -> 11. Automatic fire?? autoFire=1; Declares wether this is an automatic fire mode or not. Unit type value is either "0" (no) or "1"(yes) -> 12. AI rate of fire aiRateOfFire=5.000000; This declares how many bullets the AI (the computer controled soldiers) will fire with the weapon in the choosen fire mode. -> 13. AI fire range aiRateOfFireDistance=500; Here you can declare on what range the AI will use the weapon. Default value is "500" - unity type seems to be meters. However, when making an SMG you may want this value lower, like 50 or 100 meters to add more realism. <span id='postcolor'> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HuBBa 1 Posted April 30, 2002 Yep. already read it. It contains the same miscomprehension i had. maxLeadspeed is the speed of the target that you LEAD with the sight. Not the metal lead that we use for bullets What i've seen so far is that only the initSpeed seems to affect how far the bullet goes. going to check some more though =) /HuBBa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites