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Defining new actions

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Hi again

I'm busy with the paladin as you might know, i am at a point where the actions of this new type of vehicle need to be defined.

I've look thru all the configs, and the only thing i came up with is that they are defined using *.rtm files.

-Can we make those ourselves?

-if so, with what tool?

Reason i am asking is:

the mobile howitzer currently is based on the tank behaviour.

this is not good, it need a new action: lock and unlock the gun.

In the unlocked position, the gun can fire, but the howitzer cannot drive. in locked position, the howitzer can drive, but is defenseless.

If we cannot program this ourselves, because we lack the tools ( which i dont know) i request someone from BIS to provide me with such a routine.

It is essential for the realism of the howitzer.

Also, the maximum firing range of 3.5 km is not enough for this new system, is there a way to increase it?

The fire guidance system might also need some modified behaviour files, i still have no clue how to embed them into the "tank" without the use of scripts.

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RTM files are made in the BIS motion studio, and I dont think they would help you in your probelm. Afaik. they are only character motion files, and have nothing to do with behaviour of the vehicle simulations (car,tank,plane,etc.).

The feature you are asking would need support for it coded in the OFP engine, or some (heavy) scripting in the editor to make it work.

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ok, i might be wrong about the rtm files, but isnt there another way to make use of "special" behaviour?

i want to define that, for instance , when the driver wants to drive away, the engine will not work if the gun is unlocked.

the locking and unlocking of the gun would look  a LOT like what happens when the "turn out"  command is given in a regular tank.

is there a way to link those actions?

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No, I dont think its possible in any way without hard coded support for it in ofp.

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ok, so i get back to what i started.

Request for BIS, please help me on this one... smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Reason i am asking is:

the mobile howitzer currently is based on the tank behaviour.

this is not good, it need a new action: lock and unlock the gun.

In the unlocked position, the gun can fire, but the howitzer cannot drive. in locked position, the howitzer can drive, but is defenseless.

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I do not understand how are those "actions" related to RTM files. RTM files are used to define skeletal animation.

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i don't either smile.gif

i was mistaken the rtm files for something else.

Is it at all possible to implement this new crewcommands into the config.cpp? or does it have to be "hardcoded" in the ofp engine?

using a script is allways possible, but we prefer embedding the new vehicle commands into the vehicle, so that noone can ever use the vehicle as a tank.

the idea is that the unlocking of the gun takes about 60 seconds (like in real life).

If the gun is allways ready to fire, even while driving, this "tank" will be WAY too lethal, even with its long reload time of 15 seconds.

the 155mm HEAT rounds will destroy "any" tank with a single direct hit.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is it at all possible to implement this new crewcommands into the config.cpp? or does it have to be "hardcoded" in the ofp engine?

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I think it has to be "hardcoded" in the OFP engine. It might be also possible to do it via scripting, but I cannot imaging how to include it in config.cpp.

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maybe BIS progtammers would be willing to include the new commands for this new "mobile artillery" class vehicle in the next patch?

this would not be too hard to do i think (don't beat me up if i'm wrong..:)), all it would require is adding a new class of vehicles, which would have the basics of a tank, except it cannot fire when moving and gun will rotate to neutral position when driving away...

and when stopped, the gun will unlock after 60 seconds.

at least that would help somewhat.

I would really appreciate it if the BI coders would seriously look at this and see if it is doable.

thanks in advance.

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Yeah, and implement a new class for 8x8 wheeled APC's for me too please. Just kidding wink.gif

But seriously, if one wants something like that, all will want a new vehicle class or something similar to that. So I guess your wish will not be fulfilled. Although I wish you would get your artillery-class. Hey, and my chances to get that 8x8 APC class ain't that bad after all as well. If the new patched game engine, which will be perhaps up with resistance, gets more closer to the Oxygene II engine used in VBS 1. We will see...

Till later, PSC

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at the risk of this pic beeing removed:

this is what i am talking about:


this may never happen with this kind of weapon, driving, aiming and shooting at the same time.

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