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Altis Life - Make the 'Civilians' use drones

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Hello there ! 
I have an project with my new Altis Life mission, and, i'm sad to see that Civilians cannot use the drones + UAV
I've search in internet but, there is apparently no way to do CIV use Drones, Without mods
But i've thinked about something, but i don't have enough knowlegde to do it;

I can use the AAF side to make fake Civilians , then the medic can be the CIV side or the OPFOR side

Yes, it will change the basic Altis Life mode, the players can be lost
But it's will not be so difficult, Blue for the cops, Green for the Civilians and Maybe OPFOR for the medics


So, i need to change in all the config files, i just replace all the part that contain 'CIV' by the AAF Side 
Or i need to make another things ? 

If someone can understand me, and help me, Thank you a lot !
And, sure, thanks for reading !

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Can't you set the side to independent for civilians after joning? You'll keep it the same and the only issue with civies not using drones is that the drone has to have the same side. Alternatively set the drones side to civilian? 

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I don't think that this would work, since there is no UAV Terminal for Civilians.

You could set the civilians after joining to west or independent or whatever but that would cause some problems with the rest of the configuration of Altis Life.

Im not sure if it would work with a script for a Civilian UAV Terminal, but you could use a mod.

Check this mod out, you could also ask the author if its possible via script.


Good Luck!

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I don't know if you can force the civilians to have a terminal.

You can force a civilian into a UAV hacker with setUnitTrait.

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On 21/11/2016 at 2:57 PM, harmdhast said:

You can force a civilian into a UAV hacker with setUnitTrait.


I didn't succeed in hacking any red drones with a blue player, using player setUnitTrait ["UAVHacker", true];

 This command seems t owork for medic, engineer, explosiv specialist... but  not for UAVHacker. Did i miss something? Tks.

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