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Dead Unit in Vehicle

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  Hi Guys,

how can I make AI to replace his head buddy at gunner?

  1. I unassign the deadone
  2. Do action ["GetOut"
  3. and then allowGetIn false
  4. After they are out I do allowGetIn true but they don't obey my comannd! Grrrr

They are under fire sometimes so I tought maybe because of bullets coming to them makes them scared so tried disableAI "fsm" which also didn't help


In peace or war they simply carry that dead guy with the vehicle around..


setpos on deadbody also didn't work out


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Have you tried just forcing the replacement gunner into the vehicle slot?

It should just move the body out of the car or into a different seat,. 

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yes that one exchanged the seats. It is kind of ok  if the unit is inside the vehicle. What to do in case I want to replace the gunner with a unit which is outside?
assigning to gunner position is not letting him go in and take that dead body out.


Btw, did I open the thread in wrong secion by mistake or someone moved it? :)

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deleting unit will make the scenario unrealistic :) I want to keep the dead body, but on the ground 

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deleting unit will make the scenario unrealistic :) I want to keep the dead body, but on the ground 

Check out JBOY Fall From Vehicles script.  You can find what you need in there.


Its specific to certain vehicles, and only those positions that makes visual sense for unit to fall from (helicopter bench, side of zodiac, back of offroad).  But you can extract the code you need to work on whichever vehicles and gunner positions you want.  The trick was to create an invisible unit and move that unit into the vehicle position, which forces dead unit out.

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By the way I just discovered that, outside units can replace dead bodies if they get in with the waypoint "GETIN" attached to the vehicle. 

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