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where /how do i select a place for a pilot /gunner cargo to get into a vehicle.please dont answer with a picture as they dont seem to work .i think it has something to do with memory lods but what name dose the point have sorry if this has been answered but ive searched forum and used search and cant find it listed.thanks in advance

also how can i kill the crew in a vehicle witout having to destroy the vehicle eg. shooting the driver in a truck through the window again thanks in advance

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Ok I'll do the best I can here.

In the memory lod create points for driver, codriver and cargo. Name each of these respectively pos driver, pos codriver, and pos cargo. You can have more than one point for each of these, good for vehicles where passengers can board from more than one place.

Next place each of these points at the correct places around the model. I sometimes create a primitive (box) shape for the vehicle the exact size of the model. Ensure that the points are above ground level.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks a lot got em in and out of Vehicle now. any idea on killing them its an open sided vehicle?ahhhhh the joy of o2Light make a vehicle and kill the crew biggrin.gif.............

Then crash into a tree

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it has to do with the texture on the object (alfa channel or something)

(i read it before on this forem so i think its here somewhere)

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if a tank driver or commander goes to open hatch position its possible to kill them .my question is what makes this possible ?i have an open sided vehicle but if i shoot at the crew the rounds impact on the vehicle and i can only kill them by destroying the vehicle.is this to do with texturing or do i need to add something in one of the lods? any help would be appreciated thanks

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I don't really understand what you're saying, but you could start by adding a detailed Fire Geometry LOD.


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in my Fire Geometry Lod ive copied the model and found the components. the crew should be vunerable to fire from the side as there is nothing there,like an open top jeep,but the only way you can kill the crew is to destroy the vehicle.Its probably something simple im missing .

If i shoot the driver in the head from point blank it makes a sound like its impacting with the vehicle and the driver remains unhurt .

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The thing you are missing is that in the <Fire Geometry LOD> there should be no faces where the windows are. Select the faces and press <d>. This makes the bullet able to reach the soldier-proxy inside the vehicle.

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