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About WallePuh

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  1. WallePuh

    Entry points

    The thing you are missing is that in the <Fire Geometry LOD> there should be no faces where the windows are. Select the faces and press <d>. This makes the bullet able to reach the soldier-proxy inside the vehicle.
  2. WallePuh

    Entry points

    The thing you are missing is that in the <Fire Geometry LOD> there should be no faces where the windows are. Select the faces and press <d>. This makes the bullet able to reach the soldier-proxy inside the vehicle.
  3. WallePuh

    Vehicle whit trailer

    It might work. But it will not behave like real bv206.
  4. WallePuh

    Vehicle whit trailer

    Is it possible to use the rotate method to react with the users-steering of the vehicle??? In this case this might be a solution.