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About nithuigim

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. nithuigim

    When did you purchase OFP?

    pre ordered it and the code to play was wrong so it took me two days of pissing about with zeros and o's and R's and P's to get it going but it was worth it lol still an ace game.
  2. nithuigim

    Soldier modelling

    http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/atwar....Display you can get player models that will open at this site if you figure out the problem please reply if i do ill post solution here
  3. nithuigim

    Soldier modelling

    // soldiers bicep // soldiers forearm (loket) < soldiers hand (ruca) im trying to create a model from scratch but im gettin this problem with the units arm.the forearm isnt attached or else its distorted badly . every thing else seems fine apart from the arm ive even open another unit and tried using an arm from that but it had the same effect.anyone got any idea where i may have gone wrong? any help appreciated
  4. nithuigim

    Change model if driver onboard?

    wouldnt the pilot /driver view lod do this ?as its a different view
  5. nithuigim

    Converting gif 2 pac

    i cant get gifs or tgas to work but i downloaded texveiw and that accecpts jpgs then just save as name and add .paa at the end these work ok for me.
  6. Hi again need some info on rockets that fire from aircraft is it possible to create a new rocket and not have a smoke trail follow it when its fired,or possibly make the smoke trail transparent? Thanks in advance
  7. nithuigim

    Star wars: hoth

    http://scifi.the-spectrum.org/cgi-bin/forum.pl this may interest you a scifi mod forum and they are looking for members
  8. nithuigim

    Some random star wars addons...

    http://scifi.the-spectrum.org/subs/scifi/lobby/ it appears a scifi mod is in progress
  9. nithuigim

    Some random star wars addons...

    http://scifi.the-spectrum.org/subs/scifi/lobby/ it appears a scifi mod is in progress
  10. nithuigim

    Helicopter armed?!

    for a missel on the left side add a point in memory lod called L Strela and on right side P Strela the rest is done in the config cpp hope this helps
  11. nithuigim

    Helicopter armed?!

    for a missel on the left side add a point in memory lod called L Strela and on right side P Strela the rest is done in the config cpp hope this helps
  12. nithuigim

    Modifying official models

    http://ofp.info/evix/  for some vehicles and  http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/atwar....Display  for player models
  13. nithuigim

    Modifying official models

    http://ofp.info/evix/  for some vehicles and  http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/atwar....Display  for player models
  14. nithuigim

    Entry points

    in my Fire Geometry Lod ive copied the model and found the components. the crew should be vunerable to fire from the side as there is nothing there,like an open top jeep,but the only way you can kill the crew is to destroy the vehicle.Its probably something simple im missing . If i shoot the driver in the head from point blank it makes a sound like its impacting with the vehicle and the driver remains unhurt .
  15. nithuigim

    Entry points

    in my Fire Geometry Lod ive copied the model and found the components. the crew should be vunerable to fire from the side as there is nothing there,like an open top jeep,but the only way you can kill the crew is to destroy the vehicle.Its probably something simple im missing . If i shoot the driver in the head from point blank it makes a sound like its impacting with the vehicle and the driver remains unhurt .