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AI Waypoints

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  Hi All,

I have a mission where AI group has several waypoints combined with a cycle one in a town. How can I remove them in case they notice blufor? I want to put a seek and destroy wp in that case instead of those Move waypoints. So simply I want the AI to attack to the blufor with full force if they discover them


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And how can I redirect them to the location where the blufor forces are detected?
My main goal is to stop exising patrol waypoints and let the group to search and destroy the blufor and in case they cannot find them return back to the regular patrolling route

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Depends on how you want to achieve this.

Are you using triggers? Scripts?

How do you check for blufor being detected?



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You also could use a trigger "ignore waypoint" synchronized with the cycle waypoint so when the trigger fires your unit would move to the next waypoint after the cycle wp.

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You could use this after your detection part:

_hunted = group player; 
while {(count (waypoints _group)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select 0); };
while {alive leader _hunted} do {

_movePos = leader _hunted getRelPos [random 25,random 360];
_group move _movePos;
waituntil {!alive leader _hunted OR leader _hunted distance _movePos >= 50};


Replace group player with the group that will be hunted.

This will delete all current waypoints from the hunter group and issue a move command to the vicinity of the hunted groups leader.

If the leader of the hunted group moves then a new move command will be issued to the hunting group, as long as the hunted group has any alive members.



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