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Whitelisted Zone

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Hello All,

I am new to the forums here and have a quick question for all you the genius scripters here. In my mission, I would like to have a specific zone on the map to be a "whitelisted" zone so if you enter the zone and are not on the whitelist the you get teleport out of the zone. I am trying to find other topics about this but to no avail. I also attached a pic to help describe what i'm trying to achieve, if a player walks into zone "A"  then a UID Whitelist is checked for their UID, if they are not on the whitelist the they will be teleported back to zone "B". I hope this helps and hope someone can help me solve this issue. 




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private _myWhiteList = ["id1","id2","id3"];

while {true} do



if ((!getPlayerUID _x in _myWhiteList) && _x inArea "zoneA") then


_x setPos getMarkerPos "zoneB";// or getPos "zoneB", depending on what the zones are


} count allPlayers;

sleep 3;


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private _myWhiteList = ["id1","id2","id3"];

while {true} do
		if ((!getPlayerUID _x in _myWhiteList) && _x inArea "zoneA") then
			_x setPos getMarkerPos "zoneB";// or getPos "zoneB", depending on what the zones are
	} count allPlayers;
	sleep 3;

I see count being used often like this. Is it better than forEach?

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It's marginally faster, but lacks an index and expects bool or nothing so it's horses for courses.

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I must be doing this wrong some how and can't figure it out, nothing I try works. I took the code that Jshock provided and saved it as "towWhitelist.sqf" in my scripts folder. Then I added [] execVM "scripts\towWhitelist.sqf" to my init.sqf. From there I created an area in my mission and named it "towZone" this being the area I only want whitelisted players able to enter. Then I placed down a helipad while testing named "zoneTP" this being the place non-whitelisted players get tp'd to. I then try to test the mission in an MP environment but get an error message as soon as I finish loading. Can anybody help solve this issue? I will provide links to images of the error.



1. Original Code Provided (edited to work with my markers)

private _myWhiteList = ["id1","id2","id3"];

while {true} do
		if ((!getPlayerUID _x in _myWhiteList) && _x inArea "towZone") then
			_x setPos getMarkerPos "zoneTP";// or getPos "zoneB", depending on what the zones are
	} count allPlayers;
	sleep 3;

2. Link to image of Error Message



3. Link to 2d image of "Restricted" area marker



4. Link to 3d image of "Restricted" area marker


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I think your placement of the "!" was the issue. This should do:


if ( (!(getPlayerUID _x) in _myWhiteList) && (_x inArea "towZone") ) then



If you don't mind running it locally instead of on the server, you could also do it with a very simple trigger:




player in thisList



if( (getPlayerUID player) in yourPublicWhiteListVariable ) then { ....whatever } else { hint "welcome to this very exclusive zone"; }

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Yup my apologies, kinda threw that together quickly :p (the below should also work):

if (!(getPlayerUID _x in _myWhiteList) && (_x inArea "zoneA")) then {blah};
And just an FYI, the _myWhiteList variable needs to contain all the approved player ID strings for your area, not what I provided, those are just for example purposes :).

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