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Defense attack range

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Yep, it's again me. I have noticed that the attack range of enemies defenses sometimes significantly larger than that of mine. As an example I've attached few figures with pillboxes and autocannons.


This is an enemy pillbox.




Thanks to the new base editor I could easily recreate the base. No words needed, one can see that my pillbox have a much smaller range. I tried all type of units but I can't get the same result.




Same base, now we look at the autocannon. The enemy autocannon reach the second pillbox on the top of the picture.




My autocannon can only reach the first pillbox.




Is it a graphical bug or my defenses really shot not as far as others?

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Hi, i think its a graphical bug ? First time i see that and by the way... WHAT A GREAT UPDATE !! Thanks a lot


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Hi Oliv! The range of the defensive buildings is getting bigger with every level and for the pillbox it depends on the unit that is occupying it - means both it's level and rank. But to be sure we can definitely ask our QA if they can double check it if all ranges are displaying correctly. :)  If you wish to share some more information, feel free to post them here.

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Any update to this? My pillboxes are level 3 and so are my troops inside, yet my range is no where near what is displayed above. In fact, every base I've attacked, their pillboxes ranges have been extremely long.

How do we exactly increase the range? Is it based off the rank of the pillbox and soldiers in side, or is it based off the rank the soldiers receive if they survive a combat mission (not the rank promoted too in the command center)

I can't get the range to increase at all.

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Hi! Our QA worked on the issue and found a bug with repro steps so our team is working on fix right now. It should be included in next update. Thanks for reporting it.  ;)

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Hello Filip! We're working on new features for players to enjoy in future updates so stay tuned.  ;)

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