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Any Chance of Escalating the Fix for SAVED games?

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It's been quite some time now since we can use saved games...One of the biggest features of Arma2 and 3 was the ability to save and resume missions...but this is no longer a working feature in Arma3 for missions which use the default respawn menu. It's already been officially submitted to your feedback website here:




Any way to get this moved up the fix list since it's so serious?

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You got a reply on the tracker a few days ago. There are arguably much more important issues than yours waiting years for a fix, without a single reply or acknowledgement from any official developer. Maybe waiting a little longer (few months) wouldn't hurt.

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@Freghar - if you knew anything about the issue before bothering to comment then you'd know it already HAS been MANY months since saved games were broken in this way. You are only looking at the thread which was opened a month ago but the broken saves issue has been been around now for much longer than that.


You already sound bitter about a fix that you've been waiting for yourself which has not been attended to... but to be upset with me for taking the time to write reports and follow up with questions and concerns in a proper way that BIS asks us to do in the first place is just misplaced anger on your part.

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I am also hoping to see this fixed rather soon (1.64?). I used to rely on this feature for most of my sessions.

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@Freghar - if you knew anything about the issue before bothering to comment then you'd know it already HAS been MANY months since saved games were broken in this way. You are only looking at the thread which was opened a month ago but the broken saves issue has been been around now for much longer than that.

Has it been reported on the bug tracker (or the old one) before the one linked in the first post? If you knew anything about software development before bothering to comment, you would know that what isn't on the bugtracker doesn't exist. :)


You already sound bitter about a fix that you've been waiting for yourself which has not been attended to... but to be upset with me for taking the time to write reports and follow up with questions and concerns in a proper way that BIS asks us to do in the first place is just misplaced anger on your part.

You presume way, way too much. I am not upset/angry nor do I have any particular issue here. Just pointing out that razazel replied "still in progress" literally 3 days before you decided to start this topic to escalate things. Considering the timeframes related to fixing Arma bugs and the sheer number of them, this seems a bit ... selfish.

I don't want to defend the generally long bug triage timeframes in any way, it probably boils down to not enough resources (developers) being allocated to fixing bugs, but it is a fact and if everybody started escalating their favourite bugs through forum threads, we would essentially make the forums into another bug tracking system where the loudest person wins.

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Ah, so now I'm selfish...but you're obvious anger is not misplaced in any way. I see.


If I'm so selfish as you say then I never would have put in the thousands of hours I have put in over the last 10-15 years making & publicly sharing missions for the OFP/Arma series. For Arma3 alone I have put in well over 1,000 hours of my own personal time making & sharing my Duws Modified mission versions which thousands of arma users have played over the last 2+ years. What have you done for the series?


There is nothing wrong or improper with my request here in asking if there's any chance to escalate a fix for an important game feature which I have reported as broken for a long time now.


I resent your personal comments about me, and find you to be insulting. If you have nothing positive or helpful to contribute to this thread then perhaps you can force yourself to stop from hijacking it any further with rude uncalled for comments and personally slandering people who have been actually helping the franchise free of charge for years on end. I'm certain there must be other activities you can consider to be of much better use of your time, afterall.

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Okay-stop the bickering and arguing now please or people will be receiving infractions. 

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