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Abd El Rahman

Geometry problem- pls help me

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I have problem with geometry

When object is small geometry work , When i make a object bigger geometry not work


#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		4

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		4
#define TCivilian		4
#define TSideUnknown		14
#define TEnemy		14
#define TFriendly		14
#define TLogic		14

class CfgPatches {
	class Abd_Skyscraper_2 {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 1;

class CfgVehicleClasses {
	class Abd_Skyscraper_2 {
		displayName = "[AbdElrahman] Skyscraper 2";

class CfgVehicles {
	class All {};
	class Static : All {};
	class Building : Static {};
	class Abd_Skyscraper_2 : Building {
		scope = public;
		model = "\Abd_Skyscraper_2\skyscraper";
		displayName = "Skyscraper 2";
		animated = false;
		vehicleClass = "AbdElrahman_a4_buildings";
		destrType = "DestructNo";
		mapSize = 4;
		author = "AbdElrahman";
		armor = 14000000;	

Object on oxgen pic:



Video when object small : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Lz6dBxCvo

Video when object bigger : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2W464PRmI0


If you have any idea , how can i fix it , pls say

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Hi !


Add me on Steam and I'll take a look at it. I should be online around 20:00 hours GMT+1 (8/17/2016). Maybe I'll find time even sooner.


Best Regards,


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It's hard to tell from the video but two things to keep in mind. If you are just simply resizing it check to make sure that the geometry is still convex. Also. If the object is bigger then 50m from the origen they tend to get wonky.

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Re-Find components that's most likely the issue. As again like x3kj said no way you have one component on that big of a model

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It's hard to tell from the video but two things to keep in mind. If you are just simply resizing it check to make sure that the geometry is still convex. Also. If the object is bigger then 50m from the origen they tend to get wonky.


read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/LOD#Geometry

and particulary https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Validating_Geometries

You only have 1 component in your geo LOD, which suggests that your geo lod is not convex, or you forgot to auto-name all the components


Re-Find components that's most likely the issue. As again like x3kj said no way you have one component on that big of a model

Thanks all for your reply

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