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Annoying graphics problem

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I recently decided to reinstall OFP and I sometimes get really weird graphics problems.  Here are two sample screenshots of what happens...you have to paste these links into the address box since it doesn't allow direct linking.  I'm shocked they don't allow direct linking, because they say they aren't like geocities in regards to image hosting:



It happened to me before but now it does that very often, especially when I'm playing the resistance island.  Updating video drivers does not fix it...I've changed drivers at least 5 times in my OFP career and it never totally dissapeared.  I have to alt+tab out of game and alt+tab back into the game to fix it.  Today it would happen every 30 seconds or so....not too fun having to alt+tab out that often.  It happens on single player and multiplayer.

It's probably a software related issue because my hardware doesn't have a problem running other games with high detail on.  If anyone else has encountered this problem, let me know.

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System specs?? wink.gif Do you have it on HW T&L or not?

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Could you see the images in the thread?  They didn't show up for me so I assumed it didn't work.

System specs:

AMD Athlon XP 1.33GHz

Geforce3 Ti200

Shuttle Kt266a motherboard

That's all the important stuff.  I have the latest nvidia drivers off their site. HW T&L is off.

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I couldn't see them at first, but I could after I viewed them in their actual location and came back.

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Grrr, I can't get the screenshots to show up unless I open a new window and paste the link in.  What's the purpose of having a free pic hosting site if they apparently don't allow direct linking.  Here are the links you have to paste in:



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I used to get that problem, I didn't ever find a way to fix it so I just installed Win2K. I guess you are using 98?


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Windows XP...I'm pretty sure I have the latest drivers for all my hardware too.

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Does turning HW T&L on help? I remember having this kind of bug about a year ago, I solved it by turning HW T&L on.

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I thought I had HW T&L off but it was on.....I can't turn it off either. Funny because when I only had the original OFP installed I couldn't turn HW T&L on.

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For the guys that encountered this problem......Do you have a similiar rig? I posted my system specs in a thread above.

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When I had the problem I had a:

AMD Athlon XP 1.33GHz

GeForce 2 GTS (32mb ram)

Gigabyte motherboard can't remember the model.

Since then I have upgraded.


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Thanks Avon! First I'm gonna try it with textures at the maximum value...than I'll try switching to Direc3d if that doesn't work.

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I played for about 30 minutes without any problems after I had the texture levels at the max resolution. Hopefully that did the trick.

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I sort of had that prob... Win XP Home, nVidia Geforce 2 MX, installed new drivers and it was fixed.

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Pics fixed smile.gif

Moving to Troubleshooting smile.gif

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