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Mods suscribed in Steam Workshop don't appears in Arma Launcher

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Hi, first of all i must say that i already have subscribed mods from the Steam Workshop and I never got any problems; second i have the default config for Arma3 Launcher.   But today i notice that when i subscribe to some mods, they download but never appears in the list of mods in the Launcher.  I find the mods into  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\   but i don't know why the Launcher don't recognize them.   If i subscribe to missions there is no problem.  Only i can't see the mods.


Someone can help me?


Sorry my bad english.

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There is a button at the top for auto including workshop addons. that may be your problem.

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Sorry but you can be more especific? because i can't see the option you say.  I don't talk about the A3 Launcher.  I talk about Arma 3 Launcher vanilla.

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Hi pierremgi.  I don´t think if the issues are the same.  In my case before and after the update 1.62 i had a lot of mods and i see the mods in the Launcher without problems.  But the problem in my case is when i try to add new mods from the workshop.  They download but not appears in the Launcher.



I'm Launcher developer, could you please send me a PM with Launcher logs (Options / Export Launcher logs to Desktop) or create an issue on https://feedback.bistudio.com/and upload the logs there, so we can investigate? Also I'd need a link to some mods that you don't see in Launcher.


Only general advise I can give you is to subscribe and then unsubscribe some other (small) mod. Steam client sometimes "forgets" to update the list of subscribed items, so Launcher is not notified about the new item, and subscribing another item might help.

Hi BIS_Wizard.  Now i am at work, but when i get home i send you the logs and the mods that i suscribed.

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