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Having Weather / Time Parameters in Multiplayer - Debug

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So I've been trying to follow the various threads on this topic, but I'm not the greatest at figuring out just where I messed up in my script. I am trying to have my players be able to set the mission time / weather parameters before beginning. Could someone take a look and tell me how to repair it? I get weather parameter working, but the time one won't kick in. Then I can get time working, but weather won't kick in.


This is the description.ext

class Params
  class initialWeatherParam {
          title = "Starting Weather";
          values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
          texts[] = {"Clear","Overcast","Rain","Fog","Random"};
          default = 4;
  class TimeOfDay {
    title = "Time of Day";
    values[] = {-6, 0, 8, 13};
    texts[] = {"Morning", "Clear day", "Sundown", "Night"};
    default = 0;

Here is my init. I think this is where I am lost?

weather = paramsarray select 0;
timeofday = paramsarray select 1;

execVM "briefing.sqf";
execVM "randomWeather2.sqf";

I'm using the RandomWeather2.sqf script from here - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24614


Any help would be appreciated.

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You can use the BIS_fnc_getParamValue function to understand which value is which easier.

weather = "initialWeatherParam" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;
TimeOfDay = "TimeOfDay" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;

Which is probably what that script should have done since you need to edit it if your weather isn't the first value...


Where do you use the timeofday value?

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Timeofday is used in the second param, trying to let people set the time for my mission.


I set the weather one first, is that not what you are supposed to do for that script? Thought I read it properly.

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// ============================================================================================
//	Defines
// ============================================================================================

		#define WEATHER_DEFAULT					25

		#define COUNTDOWN_MIN					600
		#define COUNTDOWN_MAX					3600
		#define COUNTDOWN_DEFAULT				-1

		#define VIEW_DISTANCE_MIN				1500
		#define VIEW_DISTANCE_MAX				4000
		#define VIEW_DISTANCE_DEFAULT			2500

		#define TICKETS_MIN						100
		#define TICKETS_MAX						1100
		#define TICKETS_DEFAULT					-1
// ============================================================================================
//	Params
// ============================================================================================

	class Params
		#include "Params\paramDebugConsole.hpp"
		#include "Params\paramDaytimePeriod.hpp"
		#include "Params\paramWeather.hpp"		
		#include "Params\paramCountdown.hpp"
		#include "Params\paramViewDistance.hpp"
		#include "Params\paramTimeAcceleration.hpp"
		#include "Params\paramRespawnTickets.hpp"
		#include "Params\paramGuerFriendly.hpp"

Put above code in your description.ext

Create a folder called Params in the mission folder and download the files Ive linked.

Put the downloaded files into the Params folder.







and you will end up with something like this:



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Timeofday is used in the second param, trying to let people set the time for my mission.


I set the weather one first, is that not what you are supposed to do for that script? Thought I read it properly.


This does nothing, all it does is set a variable to a value, it doesn't change the date at all:

timeofday = paramsarray select 1;

You would have to then use timeofday to adjust the time using skipTime it seems.


The weather one will assign that value itself, so you didn't need to declare it.

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