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Arma 3, has performance improved since latest patch?

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I have not played Arma 3 for a long time and I only ever played single player. I have never been able to hold a constant 60fps with anything I have thrown at it.

I now have a GTX 1080, i7 6700k and an SSD at 1080p. This still wouldn't have been enough before to keep a constant framerate with the engine as it was a year ago.

With the recent update has there been a significant improvement or is it just same old Arma performance?


Thanks in advance.

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I have similar specs to you and also only play in single player. Yes performance has improved recently-at least I can now hold 60fps basically all the time so long as the mission I am in does not have hundreds of units and a bunch of scripts running.I keep all settings on V.High/Ultra and view distance around 2500mtrs



[email protected]

16GB HyperX Fury Ram@2400Mhz



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Performance on Altis and Stratis is about the same as it was in 1.60, which was already worse compared to 1.54 (the version that i still consider the best of ArmA III, not only performance wise)

Tanoa currently has a realyl bad performance considering that you have I have reduce the settings from default "very high" to "high without AA" to keep the 50-60fps that I need for fluid and convenient gameplay.

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