Mynock 244 Posted July 11, 2016 I have owned all of the DLC and now the Apex expansion on day 1 (bought Arma 3 with the three DLC's as a package, and pre-ordered Apex), so I'm sort of unclear on how it works in user made scenarios for non-owners of the content and when a DLC or Apex becomes a requirement and when it doesn't. My reason for asking is because now that Apex is out, I'm considering updating some of my previously made missions that used 100% vanilla content with some items from Apex, but I'd like to avoid making Apex a requirement when the mission does not actually depend on any of the Apex assets for the player to complete the mission (does that make sense?). Ideally, I'd like to update some of my single player missions to include AI using the AKM and other more modern day weapons as opposed to futuristic weapons, and perhaps have the enemy AI units use some of the new clothing as well. But I don't know if this will make Apex a requirement for the player or not? Since it's not the player using the items, should it be similar to the way the DLC's work (from what I understand, correct me if I'm wrong) where the player can play the mission but then won't be able to pick and use the weapons from Apex? For example, I can place DLC helicopters in missions, but as long as the player isn't required to get in them, then dependency doesn't seem to be an issue for non-DLC owners. I realize Tanoa requires Apex, I'm talking about updating previously created missions from vanilla Arma 3 on Stratis and Altis with some of the Apex assets like a few of the weapons. I'm just unclear on when it becomes a requirement to own a DLC or Apex to play a mission, because I've never been on the non-owner side of the fence so to speak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royal Eagles 1 Posted July 12, 2016 Hello I can't replie to your question (sorry), because me too have a question : how to map " tanoa " accessible for those who do not buy the " dlc ", for everyone is acces ? On public server ? Thx,and sorry for language my english is bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted July 12, 2016 It should work as with previous DLCs, IA can use the new content but players that don't own it won't (well, they can in the virtual arsenal). And of course Tanoa is off limits for them (aka if you do not own Apex, you can't use Tanoa). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mynock 244 Posted July 12, 2016 It should work as with previous DLCs, IA can use the new content but players that don't own it won't (well, they can in the virtual arsenal).That's what I was hoping for. And I know there's a way to code for checking if the player owns a particular DLC in case I want to do different player loadouts based on whether or not the player owns Apex or not (or Marksman for that matter). I assume that works the same for Apex, but I haven't checked the wiki page yet to see if Apex is numbered yet or not (I'm sure it is, just not sure if the documentation has been updated or not). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apaches.1 1 Posted August 9, 2016 Would player who doesn't own Apex would be able to play mission which has Apex buildings, objects ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted August 9, 2016 Would player who doesn't own Apex would be able to play mission which has Apex buildings, objects ? Not as far as I'm aware. The vast majority of island-related assets (buildings, foliage, textures etc) are only available to those who own the expansion - unlike the weapons and vehicles which are available to all (though come with advertisement pop-ups when you use them but don't own the expansion). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigal 25 Posted August 12, 2016 I know there's a way to code for checking if the player owns a particular DLC in case I want to do different player loadouts based on whether or not the player owns Apex or not (or Marksman for that matter). I assume that works the same for Apex, but I haven't checked the wiki page yet to see if Apex is numbered yet or not (I'm sure it is, just not sure if the documentation has been updated or not). It is, apex is 395180 I'm working on something like this right now. _unit = _this select 0; if (local _unit) then { if ((395180 in (getDLCs 1))) then{ _unit linkitem "O_NVGoggles_hex_F"; } else { _unit linkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; }; }; I think it will work. Still need to test. I never was good at locality... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christopher Lauritsen 0 Posted August 25, 2016 People who doesn't own apex, can't play on the apex map. However, you can use all objects, weapons, gear, uniforms etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
willithappen 194 Posted August 25, 2016 They can't use objects as they don't have them downloaded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluffie2307 0 Posted August 28, 2016 Okay so just to get this all correctly understood, since we'e hosting a new Altis server, would it be possible for people to connect to the server if we use Apex walls / gates for police stations, or will they be unable to connect to the server, if they do not own APEX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted August 28, 2016 Okay so just to get this all correctly understood, since we'e hosting a new Altis server, would it be possible for people to connect to the server if we use Apex walls / gates for police stations, or will they be unable to connect to the server, if they do not own APEX The vast majority of island-related assets (buildings, foliage, textures etc) are only available to those who own the expansion - unlike the weapons and vehicles which are available to all (though come with advertisement pop-ups when you use them but don't own the expansion). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pooroldspike 129 Posted September 1, 2016 I've got Apex and I'm finding that in the King of the Hill servers I can operate the new stuff like the Blackfish and vehicles, but apparently non-Apex owners can only ride in them and can't control them or fire their guns. For example I bought an armed Qilin vehicle and jumped behind the wheel to drive, and a passenger jumped in. "Get on the Gatling gun" I said, but he replied "I can't, I don't have the Apex DLC". A few more jumped in and one who had Apex was able to man and fire the gun. Below- a Qilin and its Gatling- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted September 2, 2016 I've got Apex and I'm finding that in the King of the Hill servers I can operate the new stuff like the Blackfish and vehicles, but apparently non-Apex owners can only ride in them and can't control them or fire their guns. For example I bought an armed Qilin vehicle and jumped behind the wheel to drive, and a passenger jumped in. "Get on the Gatling gun" I said, but he replied "I can't, I don't have the Apex DLC". A few more jumped in and one who had Apex was able to man and fire the gun. So its exactly the same as the Helicopters DLC additions then. The weapons are handled the same way as Marksman DLC additions (i.e. pop-up advertisements etc) so it makes sense... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites